SPS color problems


Well-Known Member
well i dipped em in RO and i did temp acclimate them before the dip! After that though they usually just go straight in the DT... some i put on the floor bed and others i just placed where i wanted em!
I hope the next owner of these pieces can bring em back to life...im going over their tonight to kick it and do a lil swappin...id mention the site he gets his coral from but u know how that goes!
Lets just say they are some high end pieces... kinda like the cherry on ur ice cream or sunday =)


Well-Known Member
ya wish i knew that before the fact lol!!!!
Is it better to just throw em in the DT....or do i need to add revive to the RO before dipping em next time???
Api liquid tests....reef and master.


Well-Known Member
k well a lil update...
traded em to the vice president of our club and got some more zoos!!! whooooo(sarcasm lol)
kool ones though that i dont have so....ehhh...
names he called em where
and AOG
lol now i have 3 diff morphs of AOGs!!!!!


Originally Posted by 1guyDude http:///forum/thread/386989/sps-color-problems/20#post_3404299
ya wish i knew that before the fact lol!!!!
Is it better to just throw em in the DT....or do i need to add revive to the RO before dipping em next time???
Api liquid tests....reef and master.
Honestly, grab a bottle of Melafix the next time you can, it's not expensive (less than $12 usually). I've found it to be much, much less stressful on the corals. I mix it with tank water and dip them, then add them to the main tank.
API kits, I'm not a fan if you're going to do SPS. Start switching to Salifert for your Alk and Calcium and SeaChem for nitrate.


melafix to dip sps???? HMMMMM never heard of it
I like API for basics..ammonia nitrite and nitrates NOT PH...LOL...could never read it
I use salifert for calcium, alk and mag...and now PH


I'm spoiled, I have a pH probe, but I'm thinking about getting the Salifert as a back up tester.
I was turned onto dipping SPS with Melafix by a few members from a very prominent and high end store in Manhattan. Then I heard about it again from local reefers, etc. Then I heard the owner the aquarium out near me talking about it. After trying it, I have to say, I've had less loss and much less stress.


There's a lot of threads on other boards about dipping melafix, but there was a mention of it here:
Personally, I've seen it kill red bugs, so I'm sold because using Interceptor is a hassle for me.


Well-Known Member
agreed....only part of it! Good color and tissue covering the skeleton too....
grr the sps's are just so unforgiving and touchy


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/386989/sps-color-problems/20#post_3419730
Just because an SPS shows great/good polyp extension doesn't mean the coral is thriving......
I only speak from meager experience. Polyp extension *may* only indicate hunger, perhaps the final gasp. I've read many studies/reports/anecdotes that indicate the quest for large polyp extension is really a quest to starve their SPS. FWIW only
Originally Posted by 1guyDude
agreed....only part of it! Good color and tissue covering the skeleton too....
grr the sps's are just so unforgiving and touchy
That don't mean squat either. Things die.
Anecdotal only, I bought a 5 piece ORA frag pack a few months ago. This was after already having several SPS from frag swaps. The Red Planet is a monster, as well as the Purple/Green, the Rose Millie and the Pearlberry. BUT, the Yellow Fuzzie never did anything...no polyps, nothing except slowly die. It's skeleton is now on the kitchen window sill.
I have a stunner acro that has encrusted but not grown out, It looks glorious, but no outward growth. I have a green slimer that has encrusted wonderfully but has not grown outwards yet, after 5 months.
Corals do what corals do.
I have pieces that do whatever they want regardless of what I do. Then there are other pieces that do whatever they want regardless of what I do.


Active Member
They should have polyp extension......If your not getting growth that's a different issue, that could be attributed to water parameters......


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///t/386989/sps-color-problems/20#post_3419765
They should have polyp extension......If your not getting growth that's a different issue, that could be attributed to water parameters......
There is no way on this earth I will ever argue with you.
In my tank, there have a variety of corals that have done well.....or not. The variables have been many; where they came from, how long in limbo, etc.
Coral in my tank do what they say, not what I say. (so far, we have agreed to a high percentage)


Active Member
Slice I wasn't debating what you posted.....I was more responding to 1Guy saying he has good color and tissue covering the skeleton.....I was more curious if he's seeing any growth or are they just sustaining themselves??? If there isn't any growth could be a parameter issue....Doesn't necessarily have to be something major.


Well-Known Member
well my most current ones are a birdsnest and a green milli...the green milli wasnt even green so idk wat hes talkin about lol...
the milli was whiting and kinda polyp extending but today it looks a better with good extension and the tips are coming back in color....
the birdsnest has had polyp extension but slowly from the looks of it fading away by fading i mean whiting....i plan to do water changes more frequent i guess...