SPS Frustration


I cannot for the life of me keep SPS alive in my 180 Gal. All water params are stable...lighting is 250 MH 10,000K. Tank has been up for 9 mths. 25 gal sump with macro algae . ( I have pics of the set up in reef tank forum under "another tank build" )
I do keep a few leathers in the tank...toad mushroom and a finger leather. Alot of stony coral too, hammer, branching frog.et.c.
Any ideas or comments? It seems they will do fine for about maybe a mth..then just start to bleach and die.


You said water parameters are stable, but what exactly are your water parameters? Especially nitrates, phosphates, alkalinity and calcium? How much flow do you have in the tank?
Another thought, most sps require a lot of flow so this could possibly be an issue. What do you have for in tank flow and what size return pump are you running? For sps I try to shoot for 30X turnover an hour minimum and ideally would like to see 40-50X. On a 180 that would mean that in tank flow should be a minimum of 5500 gph.
Since you do have some leathers in the tank, it could also be chemical warfare. Maybe try running carbon to see if that helps.
One last thought, what kind of sps have you tried? Maybe try starting with some of the "easier" sps (monti caps and digitatas, stylophora or pocillipora for example) before you move on to the more demanding ones such as the high end acros, ect. Sps can be very frustrating because they can be so touchy, but when you get them to start growing and maintaning color it can be one of the most rewarding experiences in this hobby. Good Luck.


Thanks for the feedback. I tested and all you had mentioned were good. My flow is on the light side, with the return pump and my Hydors I am running around 4100 GPH. One more 1100 GPH hydor should get me to around 5200.
As far as the corals, yes I have been purchasing acros. I will try my luck at the lower end types. I only have one small toadstool for a leather and not sure if that would have that much of an effect in a 180.
I do have a blue ridge coral that thrives in my tank...didnt think acros would be an issue.
very frustrating


Try some monti caps or digis. They are not the most exciting, but some of the colors that you find in these corals are hard to duplicate elsewhere. If that goes well try a stylophora or a millipora. There are some neat corals that are "easier" sps to try as you get your feet wet.
Also, you said your readings were fine, could you list what your readings actually were for Calcium, Alkalinity, Nitrates, Phosphates, and pH? May give everyone some clues as to what is going on.


I will take the readings tonight when I get home and post..
for some reason the LFS near here are usually just stocking the upper end harder acros...or maybe its just that they catch my eye and I look past the simpler SPS..haha. at any rate, I am for sure going to try my luck at the more basic SPS.
thanks alot


Active Member
add to your parameters how ur maintaining your calcium and alk, both of these need to be stable throughout the day for sps.


Well, did some water testing:
Calcium - 440
PH - 8.0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0 to 1.0
Alk 75
So PH and Alk are down...this could be part of my problem. Will a few good water changes bring that back in line??
I currently dose with a seachem reef builder & kent calcium. I have been a little negelegent on the dosing .
I usually do a 6 gallon water change every wknd as well.


oh and I screwed up on my return pump size, its a 1750 GPH. But I cut back slightly on my return via main valve...
So the total GPH is around 5000


Active Member
you only have 250watts TOTAL of MH over a 180?
now watts arent everything but its an estimate. Im going to go out on a limb here and say your light is the problem.
I have 2 150s over my 65...


Originally Posted by mopar9012
you only have 250watts TOTAL of MH over a 180?
now watts arent everything but its an estimate. Im going to go out on a limb here and say your light is the problem.
I have 2 150s over my 65...
+1 I have 2 150s over my 46. You definitely need about 2 more 250s.


Active Member
Lighting is just fine unless you have a 30 inch or deeper tank. Do you have an ATO to top-off? Do you know how your pH changes during the night or is your refugium/sump lighting on reverse schedule from your DT?
Chemical warfare is definitely something to look into, but you may also want to test your mag level and definitely run carbon and phosphate removers. Stability is the key to SPS and I never managed to keep them in any of my tanks.


No, I do not have an auto top off...all manual due to the location of my tank on the main floor. Im not sure about PH swings, but I do run my refugium at night opposite of my display light schedule. My refuge is full of cheato, LR and LS/ Have 2 mangrove plants in there as well.
As far as chemical warfare, the only softies are a few mushrooms, toadstool and about 5 ric's. I never place the SPS near them..and in a 180 plus the 30 gallons in sump and refuge, could that be an issue with that amount of water volume?