I cannot for the life of me keep SPS alive in my 180 Gal. All water params are is 250 MH 10,000K. Tank has been up for 9 mths. 25 gal sump with macro algae . ( I have pics of the set up in reef tank forum under "another tank build" )
I do keep a few leathers in the tank...toad mushroom and a finger leather. Alot of stony coral too, hammer, branching
Any ideas or comments? It seems they will do fine for about maybe a mth..then just start to bleach and die.
I do keep a few leathers in the tank...toad mushroom and a finger leather. Alot of stony coral too, hammer, branching
Any ideas or comments? It seems they will do fine for about maybe a mth..then just start to bleach and die.