SPS Growth Tactics?


Active Member
I want to make my tank be able to grow SPS corals fast. Is there any specific water parameters that will help me do this? Like would a lower temp or higher temp encourage more growth, salanity, alkilinity, and so on. The calcium needs to be around 450, right? What negative affects happens on the corals if it goes above that mark, say to like 600? Thx.


Active Member
From my experience,
You want to have undetectable amounts of inorganic phosphate, as well as silicate.
You should have no soft corals in the genus Sinularia and Sarcophyton.
The more photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), likely the more growth you will receive. I was recently running 400wt 10,000k Ushio's on my tank, and the average growth of one of my A. nana's was around 3/4" per month. After switching over to the radiums, I see roughly 1/2" per month. However, the coloration has been much greater in my of my corals.
Keep calcium and alkalinity stable. I recommend keeping calcium around 400-420 and Alkalinity around 10dKH. I also recommend occasionally checking magnesium, which may also play a role in the calcification process of corals.
Those are all from what I have noticed with my tank. I'm sure there can be many more factors which may give you boosted growth. I've yet to experiment with Zeovit.


Active Member

Originally posted by ViPeR_930
I want to make my tank be able to grow SPS corals fast. Is there any specific water parameters that will help me do this? Like would a lower temp or higher temp encourage more growth, salanity, alkilinity, and so on. The calcium needs to be around 450, right? What negative affects happens on the corals if it goes above that mark, say to like 600? Thx.

Low nutrient levels will help, using bulbs like the Iwaski 6.5K will also help with growth..Running the Ca higher then norm will not help. Lots of flow will also help boost growth.

bang guy

Keep in mind that forcing a high growth rate is often stressful. Especially when using the technique of high Calcium levels.

nm reef

Active Member
I'm just starting to develop a decent collection of SPS types but its my understanding that stable levels of calcium/alaklinity in the 400-420 ppm & 10 dKH range are beneficial...a stable temp with little to no major fluctuations...high current or flow rates...limit phosphates and excessive nutrients...and MH lighting(I use 400 watt 10K Ushios & 110 watt URI actinic VHO's)...my growth rates haven't been all that great to date...but the SPS types I've added seem to have adjusted well and are stable with moderate growth. The coloration of several additions have dramatically improved since I purchased them.I'm not sure I want to push the envelope and encourage excessive growth rates...I'm content to maintain them and insure long term stabality of my selections.:thinking:


Nothing scientific here but my frags were growing slow but sure just dripping Kalk. I finally got my hands on a Mag test kit and started adding that to get the level up and man, did they take off!! Not like inches a month or anything, but much faster and the bases of my Acros started spreading on the rock. Mag was the only thing I did different so I am assuming that is what caused the growth spurt. Anyone else?