SPS question


Well all of you following my other threads will know I had some issues do to salt recently ... armed with new salt I hope we are on the way to normality.. Either way... my ORA piece bleached a bit because of this but only on the tips... will color come back to the tips or can I "break" them off, ideas suggestions ?


After new salt in the tank the Ca is 460 Alk. is 10 not sure about mg right now... i know it was at 900 earlier before the water change with Seachem..but I also know that did not have much in it ... i know the new salt is I think 1300 so I assume its in the low 1000's right now.. I'll have to test it tom. cause I'm waiting for the sali. test kit to come in


Active Member
definately bump up the mg so that it'll keep your parameters a bit more stable. as far as your coral, if you're not seeing tissue loss, i'd just keep an eye on it. i cant really tell because of the flash, but it might just be growth tips