sqamosa or derasa clam under 260 watts of pc?? which is better looking???


Active Member
oh wait...... im looking again and the ballast for the PCs have a seperate plug...... So i guess that is for the PCs while the other is for the metal halide? Ill check that one out.....
how are your halides doing agoutihead?


Active Member
I disagree with you guys saying he cannot keep one of these two clams due to him not having halides. It does depend on what size tank he has it in with those lights though.. but a smaller tank around 50ish gallons would hold a one of these clams fine. Those two types of clams require less powerful lighting than others. I have actually seen people very successful with corcea clams under 65 watt pcs! Believe it or not, i've seen it with my own eyes.
Also if you can get ahold of some of the tank raised clams they will do even better.


Active Member
how long were those clams in there?
It was not generaly said that these clams cannot be kept with PCS, it was stated that they will do better and have a longer life under halides.
I would have gotten a derasa maybe before i got halides (came in the mail today) but they get two feet long. That is realy big esspecialy if you have a small tank.


Active Member
I dont know exactly how long they've been in his tank. I will ask though. He is a worker at a LFS and I take care of his lawn and he invited me into his house to see his tank just the other day.
Power compact lights are pretty powerful lights. Of course they're not as good as halides. I've seen a rock collecter with acros growing like crazy in a bowfront tank of his... guess what kinda lights he has :) (hint: not halides).


Active Member
haha. On another popular competetor that has captive grown SPS corals, it does say that some need as low as moderate lighting and can be kept under PCs. And to tell you the truth, i have never tried, so i wouldnt know for sure, all i know is from what people have been telling me here based on their experiences. I do know though that the color would definatly be better under halides.
if you can find out how long that clam has been in there, i would be interested to know!


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
if you can find out how long that clam has been in there, i would be interested to know!
I'll be sure to ask next time I go buy RO water. I know that they havent had clams in their shop for several months and he only gets stuff from his shop.... so at least 'several months'.


hey fishiness im actually sad to say one of the mh units crapped out on me about a week ago... im sending it back for a refund because they dont have any more of this kind in stock... im trying to see if they will just upgrade me for free to the 175w... its only a 20 dollar difference...
i really liked this light too....
does anyone know where you can find extra cord for lights like this?
keep me posted as how yours turns out... i will let you know if i get the new unit.


I have a 58 gallon tank with 3, 96wt PC's on it.
That gives me 4.96watts/gal. I have 3 crocea clams and they are doing fine. I did a lot of research before I bought my first clam. From the information I got off of different sights and other reef keepers is that you don't need as much light as people say.
I may get bashed for my opinion, but it is my opinion and my clams are doing great.


Active Member
All I can say is that I have personally talked to local ppl who own dersera and squasmosa clams and have them under PC lighting say they live. They actually outgrew there tank and one of them sold for 90some dollars at around 8 or 9 inches long. I have recently been contimplating keeping a clam and I think I might.


Active Member
Originally Posted by agoutihead
hey fishiness im actually sad to say one of the mh units crapped out on me about a week ago... im sending it back for a refund because they dont have any more of this kind in stock... im trying to see if they will just upgrade me for free to the 175w... its only a 20 dollar difference...
i really liked this light too....
does anyone know where you can find extra cord for lights like this?
keep me posted as how yours turns out... i will let you know if i get the new unit.

:scared: :scared: :scared: ok, that kinda scares me. They do have a 2 year warentee though right? Mine so far looks amazing. Much better quality than my odyssea PCs too. lol. Hopefully i wont have the same experience you did, but if for some reason i do, i still have the PCs that can replace them. I have the 175 MH and Two 65 watt PCs on my 36 inch 40 breeder. Im in the process of acclimating everything at the moment, so my MH is only on for 4 hours a day right now. But no complints and hopefully none to come!


im debating whether i want them to fix this unit and send it back to me... because they dont have these in stock right now....
but i dont know if im leary about them fixing one and sending it back or not.
plus i dont have the orignal boxes anymore... because i didnt think this thing was going to break in three weeks... so i dont know if they will even return it because of that... it says on their return policy thing that it has to be the ORIGINAL BOX and yes it is in caps. so well see how that goes.
it does have a 30 day warranty through the website... and only a year through the manufacturer.... but going to the manufactuter has got to be alot more headache than its worth.


Active Member
Talked to that LFS guy today and he said he had his corcea for 2 months now. So not as long as I thought. He said that he had two clams one corea and one squamosa for much longer before his power went out for days.
Although today I went in there and asked how much one of his derasa clams was... and he went on to try to tell me that derasas need MORE lighting than corcea and are similiar to maximas with their lighting requirements.... *sigh*.

bang guy

I predict the "sudden" death of his Crocea in a few months. He'll blame it on a fish, or Bristleworms, or a waterchange, but it will really be the lack of intense lighting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
Although today I went in there and asked how much one of his derasa clams was... and he went on to try to tell me that derasas need MORE lighting than corcea and are similiar to maximas with their lighting requirements.... *sigh*.

that comment from your LFS should be enough all on its own to avoid advice from this store. 100% wrong

jimmy 4

I have a 30 gallon long tank. It is only about 12 inches deep, and I was wondering if I could keep a dersa clam or any other clam. I have a 96 watt coral life compact fluorescent bulb. Its a 50/50 bulb. I know that dersa clams get large. I plan on upgrading tanks in the near future so its size shouldn't be an issue.