Squidd I'm Almost Ready To Move To The Basement!!


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If you recall I started a post a while back about moving my sump to my basement.
I will be getting my income tax back within a couple of weeks and want to get a list of things ready to go.
I do want a refugium
I am not educated enough but I do want to make sure I have enough room to add the following:
phosphate reactor
dripping top off water/ calcium reactor?
New protien skimmer/ so enough room for the foot of the skimmer. ASM3
Not all of the equipment above will be able to be purchased at once. But want to make sure i have the enough room for the FUTURE additions.
Am I Missing Anything???????
Water change easy execution where i just plug a hose up to a powerhead. I want to actually run tubing along the foundation for water changes so i don't even have to wind up, just plug and play.
So here are the questions:
1. I want to utilize my exsisting sump in some way if possible. The question is How?
2. Should I buy used glass tank(s) or buy rubbermaids?
3. I really don't want to run pvc piping but do want to do check valves for water chages and the like. So what should i use? Anything at Home Depot or Lowes I could use?
4. I did get a reccomandion from that post to put the tanks on a table or something to eliminate some head return and easier to clean and maintain.
5. How are the two tanks going to connect and at what hight are will they be drilled.
6. Where should the water level be? Does the fuge dump into the sump? Don't forget I want to utilize my exisisting sump if at all possible. I was thinking if I could turn that into the fuge or Why not have three??
So what should i do first?
Here is the sump that i have currently


Active Member
I plan on purchasing the return pump/tanks/and necessary plumbing First!!!
I know we need to figure what size pump and necessary fittings


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Am I Missing Anything???????
ATO and or Kalk reactor to supplement C reactor, and or work up complicated equipment in "stages" as experiance and need arises...
1. I want to utilize my exsisting sump in some way if possible. The question is How?
How big is it...?
2. Should I buy used glass tank(s) or buy rubbermaids?
Glass tank and baffles much easier to use space "effeciently"...
3. I really don't want to run pvc piping but do want to do check valves for water chages and the like. So what should i use? Anything at Home Depot or Lowes I could use?
If you don't use PVC, what would you use...?
5. How are the two tanks going to connect and at what hight are will they be drilled.
Do you mean seperate sump and Fuge...? How about one big glass tank that covers both...?
6. Where should the water level be? Does the fuge dump into the sump? Don't forget I want to utilize my exisisting sump if at all possible. I was thinking if I could turn that into the fuge or Why not have three??
Sell it...
So what should i do first?
Plan, plan, plan...Draw it out on paper where mistakes can be "erased"...work out ALL the bugs even for stuff not yet installed...think it all through before buying anything...
Much more effecient to get material to fit the plan...than to try to get the plan to fit material...


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Thanks for the reply
I will sell/trade in the sump
Is 55gallons big enough for BOth??
I wanted to use the PVC Flex tubing or something like that. I have some really tight spots going through the floor and into the basement.
Squidd I do have a 35 gallon hexagon that could be utilized but i don't think it would be effiecient or have enough room. I have my fresh water fish in it. not too many though.
I plan on doing some drilling tomorrow, I am moving my ballast down in the basement so I won't hear the huming every time it fires up.
I plan on using your example of the "flow" of the sump/fuge.


Active Member
Is 55gallons big enough for BOth??
A 75 would be better...more footprint...a 90 is OK, but you don't need
the height...55 only gives 13" depth and wider would be better...
Is that Iwaki 40 going to be big enough?
Make a nice closed loop pump, probably gonna want something bigger (pressure) for the return...


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I will get the biggest one I can find at lfs.
I wanted to use my mag 9.5 to make a close loop.
What should my first step be?
Get the tank first???
then decide what size pump and all the plumbing.
Tonight, I moved my ballast into the basement, up in the rafter area. I can't wait to hear the difference, if any.
I need to drill the other two holes for my return and for the draining. I have a 1 1/4 inch drill bit, I hope that is big enough.
So what should I buy first?


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what size pump then? I would say
I believe it is 10 feet with a few 45's.
Would it be best to just buy a big pump and put a valve on it to control flow??


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Originally Posted by Lubeck
What should my first step be?
Get the tank first???
then decide what size pump and all the plumbing...
So what should I buy first?

Plan, plan, plan...Draw it out on paper where mistakes can be "erased"...work out ALL the bugs even for stuff not yet installed...think it all through before buying anything...


Active Member
I do remember talking this thru last fall..
See if you can dig up the thread, and post relevent info/decisions made...
Main Tank size, Goal flow for tank, overflow rating, remainder by closed loop, actual height and realistic number of elbows, (or spa Flex is good option) skimmer pump rating, and anything else from "planning stage"...


Active Member
I am sorry, I know you have been asked the same questions over and over.
This is the "Plan"
I want a sump/refuge that will consist of lr/DSB/ and calupera. Sump will house my protien skimmer and return pump
I have:
110 Gallon Reef tank with built in Mega Flow drain pipe is 1inch and return is 3/4inch. But the drain tubing looks more than 1 inch. I posted a pic. of my sump.
dimentions of display tank 48-18-30inch tall
My current flow-2800 gph and would like to keep it that way. I have a mag 9.5 in my aqua clear sump model 175. I also have 2-1100 seios.
I currently have a 150 seaclone and will be replacing it within a couple of months wiht a ASM3. I will keep that in mind with foot print in "new sump".
I am going to look at a 75 gallon at my lfs
my plumbing will consist of spa flex tubing and a couple of ball valves.
I want to be sure i have ease of cleaning and water changes.
One of the pics below is the general concept and flow i will be following.
As soon as I get my tax check I will be purchasing the 75gallon and start with the baffles.
I did read ALOT of the posts, several times. I have the concept and plan in my mind and will be drawing out. There are a few plumbing pieces that confuse me though, I will try to post them I think its a check valve.



Active Member
Just make sure you get pressure rated pumps like a Dolphin HHS or Darts.
Some of the Iwakis are good for that head as well...but make sure whatever you get is rated a decent amount over what you are pushing so you are not at the limites of the pump right off the bat.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lubeck
It is the piece connected to the intake, what is its purpose?

That's a HOB OTT CL...

Hang on back, over the top, closed loop setup with a mag pump (saves drilling the tank for CL...)
Will work OK, just not thrilled with running Mags external...(tend to leak)...


Active Member
Basic sump/fuge layout looks good, just need to add overflow drain chamber in combo with skimmer chamber...enlarge the fuge with bigger (75) tank and acount for backwash (do calcs/set baffle height)
Didn't we figure it was 13' of head at one time, or does the table downstairs reduce it to 10'...??
With the G3 skimmer and larger fuge you will want more flow to the S/F...around 800-900 gph suggest combining 3/4" and 1" from Mega flow for drain and use 1" OTT return with antisiphon hole, so no check valve needed (tend to stick/fail)
That would give 800 S/F and 900 C/L (1700gph) so you still need to up flow in tank...
Hence suggestion of larger C/L pump....or keep the Seios...


Active Member

Originally Posted by Squidd
Basic sump/fuge layout looks good, just need to add overflow drain chamber in combo with skimmer chamber...enlarge the fuge with bigger (75) tank and acount for backwash (do calcs/set baffle height)
I spent about an hour last night on a new drawing with the baffles and hieght and its not in JPEG and can't figure out how to change the file type.

Didn't we figure it was 13' of head at one time, or does the table downstairs reduce it to 10'...??
That is Correct, It is reduced to 10 feet with table.

With the G3 skimmer and larger fuge you will want more flow to the S/F...around 800-900 gph suggest combining 3/4" and 1" from Mega flow for drain and use 1" OTT return with antisiphon hole, so no check valve needed (tend to stick/fail)
Let me make sure I understand you, I am going to have 2 drains? Currently I have the 1" drain and you want me to add 3/4" Which means you want the drain tubing, Spa Flex tubing, to be 1-3/4 inch drain instead of 1", right??? The return line willl be using 1" (What does OTT mean?)

That would give 800 S/F and 900 C/L (1700gph) so you still need to up flow in tank...
I am a little confused about where the 800 gph, is this the flow "needed" for the sump/fuge, Or is 800-900gph the flow of water coming out of the return line into the display tank?

Hence suggestion of larger C/L pump....or keep the Seios...
I will get a bigger pump eventually

Thanks Squidd,


Active Member
With the G3 skimmer and larger fuge you will want more flow to the S/F...around 800-900 gph suggest combining 3/4" and 1" from Mega flow for drain and use 1" OTT return with antisiphon hole, so no check valve needed (tend to stick/fail)
Let me make sure I understand you, I am going to have 2 drains? Currently I have the 1" drain and you want me to add 3/4" Which means you want the drain tubing, Spa Flex tubing, to be 1-3/4 inch drain instead of 1", right??? The return line willl be using 1" (What does OTT mean?)
Just tossing ideas out there...if you want 2800 gph in tank, X comes from sump, X comes from C/L and 2X comes from seios...please fill in the "Xs"
That would give 800 S/F and 900 C/L (1700gph) so you still need to up flow in tank...
I am a little confused about where the 800 gph, is this the flow "needed" for the sump/fuge, Or is 800-900gph the flow of water coming out of the return line into the display tank?
Looking for 10 X fuge volume for turn over in fuge and 1 1/2X skimmer pump volume for turn over in sump...I'm betting that's around 800 or more...
And whatever goes down to the S/F "better" be pumped back up to display tank...


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I got ya I think.
Assuming I get a 75 gallon
This was my thoughts:
Mag 36 sump
9.5 Mag for CL
Sooo, roughly, what would be the total turnover with all the curves and the 10' of head?


Active Member
Return pump from sump is limited by overflow capacity (drain to sump), 600gpg if you use only 1" drain, additional 300 if we combine the 1" and 3/4" bulkheads and add seperate OTT (over the top) return..
So 800-900 from sump at head...an 18 or 24 would be better choice...
That would give 800 S/F and 900 C/L (1700gph) so you still need to up flow in tank...
Either the Seios or bigger on the C/L pump...