Squidd I'm Almost Ready To Move To The Basement!!


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Originally Posted by Lubeck
I don't know what to use to connect the 1" PVC to the bulkhead underneath my tank. It is not threaded but has some grooves in it
what should I use to connect the 1" bulkhead fitting from my overflow to the 1" PVC pipe?
"In" it or "On" it...is it a hose barb made to slip hose onto (generic one piece bulkhead)??
If so a short peice of 1 1/4" Spa Flex over hose barb and 1" PVC glued "inside" it...SF used as "coupler"...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lubeck
Tell me if this sounds right.
For the over the top return, which will be a 1" PVC pipe. When the 1" pipe reaches level with the top of the tank, if I add a 1" slip 90 with a 3/4" ID threaded to fit the first pic of Loc Line, then add a 3/4" T adapter with 6" of Loc Line going in seperate directions with a 3/4" ID 3" spray nozzle on each end.
I will plumb this right inside my overflow box and run the two Lock Line nozzles out the sides of the overflow. Just like my current nozzle is now, but splitting it and running it out of both sides.
Sorry if this doesn't make sense, but will it Work???
Over the top return is seperate piece of 1 1/4" line from Mag pump>>>up back of tank (not "inside" overflow) with one 90* over and another 90* down to return to tank...
If you can find a pair of 1" lock line use that other wise a single return is fine...
Most of your in tank "directional" flow will come from closed loop or powerheads...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lubeck
I can't figure out how to connect the bulkheads to the PVC piping.
See two posts up...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lubeck
Getting backed up with questions, Ha ha!
I have NO lighting with 20k daylight and 20k blue light would that be sufficient for the fuge.
I could also, but don't want to, break down my 4-65watt Current 24hours PC unit. to go over the fuge.
Will the NO be sufficient?
Do the PCs...Big difference and you will be very happy


Active Member
We discussed a 1" OTT return according to the posts above, post 16. I already dry-fit it together. I will have to go down stairs to take a pic. I hope the 1" works. It looks like 12 feet but i will get exact measurments.
I still can't visualize the bulkhead connection to the PVC. Could you a drawing or a pic for me?
Also, I know the return line is going over the top of the tank. I would also like a visual of this if possible. I could not find 1" loc line ANYWHERE. Where can i look?
Once i get my EXACT meaurments for you, the only things that are holding me up is the hardware for the return line from the 90 which you will see in the pic and how to attach my bulkheads, which are the cheap kind with the barbs. I can't visualize it. So I don't know what I need. I have not run anything cause I don't have the tank yet (wednesday at the latest). I will try to show you by holding where I think it should be. But still need help with the
DRain bulkheads; how to attach them to PVC
the return line hardware that actually goes over the tank and spray nozzzles.


Active Member
Here are some pics of my return line:
I have 1" pvc with a union that will conect to my mag24 it has 3-90s and the 3rd 90 is a reducer down to 3/4 which then will T off with 2 Loc line spray nozzles. Can I do that? Here are the pics



Active Member
The first pic shows the 1" return line starting on the right side of the pic
a 1" 90 that goes down to a 3/4 then goes off to a T, which I want to put 2-3/4" loc line spray nozzles
The total again for return would be 147" with 2-90's and 1-90 that reduces down to 3/4" and then 1-T
Without cutting anymore until I get the tank, I may be able to get it down to 12' even with the 90's.



Active Member
In the pic above:
the line on far left is the 1" drain line
middle line is a 1" return line with a 3/4" spray nozzle, maybe?
right line is the 3/4" drain line


Active Member
We discussed a 1" OTT return according to the posts above, post 16. I already dry-fit it together. I will have to go down stairs to take a pic. I hope the 1" works. It looks like 12 feet but i will get exact measurments.
Yes, but then you switched pumps and and confirmed dual drain...and at that point we were still "guessing" at elbows and length to get from S/F to tank...
Based on your drain layouts, I bumped the restriction factor on the elbows and up sized the line to compensate...I'm counting 4 elbows not including any "T" or reducer...??
716gph with 1" return and 871 with 1 1/4" return... :thinking: I'd bump the return to 1 1/4"...
Pic of "coupler" Bulkhead to PVC ..."If" you have hose barb type bulkheads...Looks like that in pic in post #12...


Active Member
Return line just goes up and over the back of tank...with down turn elbow to keep water from splashing and causing bubbles in tank..
Antisiphon hole breaks reverse siphon effect and keeps from draining tank in powerout situation...
Can be a s simple as this...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lubeck
The first pic shows the 1" return line starting on the right side of the pic
a 1" 90 that goes down to a 3/4 then goes off to a T, which I want to put 2-3/4" loc line spray nozzles
The total again for return would be 147" with 2-90's and 1-90 that reduces down to 3/4" and then 1-T
Without cutting anymore until I get the tank, I may be able to get it down to 12' even with the 90's.
1" is a restrictor, that you could "live" with (716gph) but that 3/4" stuff will just KILL the flow...(513gph)
I still count 4 elbows ...coupler then up then #1 elbow...horizontal #2 elbow ...up then #3 elbow to get "over the tank ..then #4 elbow to drop into the tank... then #5 is elbow or "T" to spread flow under surface of tank..??
Highly reccomend switching out the return to 1 1/4" (873gph)...as long as your still just "dry fit" ...return the 1" elbows and pick up some new pipe and fittings...


Active Member
1-1/4" return it is!
I will also use the PC unit or part of it to light the fuge. I could not find Loc line in 1" let alone 1-1/4"
What if I just used straight Pipe and did'nt worry about the spray nozzle. Like you said, the flow will come from the closed unit.
I think I will use the mag 9.5 temperarly(sp) until I can get a bigger external pump. I will have alot of 1" PVC and elbows left to make it. What do you think?I don't like the seios, they got to go.


Active Member
There you go..the 1" pipe and extra fitings are a good start on a OTT closed loop...like you had pictured eariler...
As far as return, if you don't want it shooting straight down...you could use a dry fit 45* elbow (1 1/4" to deflect water one way or another ...or a 1 1/4" "T" to go side to side... The full size "T" won't add to much restriction...(3-5%)


Active Member
thanks for the digrams, they clarified a few things.
I would like to use the "T" but don't know how I would angle it, seeing that my overflow is left of center of the tank. Unless, I come up over the back of the tank come down in side the over flow and "T" out to both sides of the overflow box, then but 45's on the ends. Could I do that? Or is that too much restriction?


Active Member
come up over the back of the tank
And stay out of the overflow box..Put the return wherever it will be most effective..
That's why we're going OTT...
If you go all 1 1/4" the T and a couple 45*s won't hurt flow too much...


Active Member
The first pic is what will attach directly to the Mag 24, The wrighting "pump" is a 1" threaded coupling to a 1" piece of 1" PVC that goes directly to a 1-1/4" Union. Is this OK to do. There is only 2" of 1" PVC. All the rest goes to 1-1/4"
The other pics are of the over the top return and down in the basement. drain and return lines. The HOLES ARE DRILLED FOR RETURN AND DRAIN.
Hmmmmm... whats next??
Oh, Also Squidd, I could only count 4 90's and 1-T for the return line.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Lubeck
The first pic is what will attach directly to the Mag 24, The wrighting "pump" is a 1" threaded coupling to a 1" piece of 1" PVC that goes directly to a 1-1/4" Union. Is this OK to do. There is only 2" of 1" PVC. All the rest goes to 1-1/4"
Yep that's about the best you can do considering the Mag has a 1" outlet...but the bigger pipe will help as flow makes it's way up stairs...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lubeck
..The other pics are of the over the top return and down in the basement. drain and return lines. The HOLES ARE DRILLED FOR RETURN AND DRAIN.
Hmmmmm... whats next??...
Probably set the baffles in the sump...did you get the tank yet...?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lubeck
...Oh, Also Squidd, I could only count 4 90's and 1-T for the return line.
Yep...that's what I counted too... :thinking:
I still count 4 elbows ...coupler then up then #1 elbow...horizontal #2 elbow ...up then #3 elbow to get "over the tank ..then #4 elbow to drop into the tank... then #5 is elbow or "T" to spread flow under surface of tank..??