Where about's on this thread, or even if it's been talked about, can I find the basics of plumbing, specifically, how do I connect the return pump to the return line, what tubing should I use (intake/return), and where to get, the tubing, ball controls, T's, etc. I heard to use "schedule 80" pvc. What's different about it, I believe it's gray? Over regular PVC which I see used everywhere. Also, where can I get sch. 80 PVC.
The return pump will be a Mag 9.5, returning a 40-gal sump into a 30gal tank, with a 600gph overflow box. I designed a center return area, with the return being T-ed off and supplying water to the refugium, which overflows into the return area.
The intake will be almost a straight shot down, maybe 2 45's used, would those be better then using Flex-Spa? I heard you can cement Flex-Spa right into PVC lines, is this true? The return will be about 5'. Most of that distance will be horizontal distance. Is there any trade-offs to using hard PVC as opposed to Flex?
Lastly, do they make like a molded return nozzle/head where the return line connects to the tank, instead of using 3 90's?
Sorry if anything seems random, I'm getting the more complicated stuff, mostly because find alots of help with that stuff, just the very basics got me tripped up. Shawn