You can defintately get a starfish. I would suggest it is a must for everybody to have at least one brittle star. NOT A GREEN BRITTLE STAR. Those will eat your corals. You may also very comfortably have a tile star, sandsifting star, linckia star. Stars are very very demanding creatures as far as handling, water quality, and most importantly acclimation go. research which stars appeal to you before you go buy one. Chocolate chip stars, though affordable, will go after certain desirable reef specimens. My personal favorite has always been the pink tile star or red fromia, related, but not the same. Starfisha re GREAT scavengers, and will play a big role in cleaning up after your fish and you. For a 14 g. setup get a SMALL star. Don't let yourself be sold on some large star that looks cool and is staring you in the face. Shoot for one about the size of a silver dollar or a little larger. If you get a brittle star, it can be a good deal larger, but also know, many times people buy stars and they starve to death because the tankis not mature enough,a dn the stars do not get a well balanced diet. This can take months to happen. Anybody want to add or correct me, I invite you to please do so.