

Active Member
I have a cc star. Since she completely ate my clean up crew, now she is starving. What do you guys spot feed your stars? i tried spot feeding before, but she wouldn't eat it. I think now she is so hungry that she will eat anything.


Active Member
we give ours about 1/2 of of small piece of shrimp. If he is up at the top, ours hangs outward and we just place in right on his stomach and he grabs it. We do that about once a week.


I spot feed when its at top also. They love crab. shrimp, scallop, and I even feed them dead minnows. (fishing bait)


i feed my brittle star shrimp it is funny he reaches out with his arm and wraps it up and takes it under i also have a cc star and he gets the same with less aggresision but i think they eat alot of gunk of the tank too


Active Member
Good thanks guys. My little guy never comes to the top of the tank. I need a clan up crew, so I figured if I spot feed then my clean up crew might last for a little more then a week.

bang guy

Hey Leopard!
Littleneck clams make a perfect food for them. If you buy a dozen and acclimate the clams to your aquarium then some may survive. Feed the dead ones first and let the live ones go into the sand for the CC to find later. If most of them die then you can just freeze them, shell & all, for use later.


my choc chip loves raw squid ..I buy a slice of it at a time at the fish counter at walmart, freeze the rest of it for later. Ive fed it raw shrimp as well.
I saw it for the first time the other day...hanging on the lettuce clip eating seaweed selects..and Ive never seen it do that before! lol
Ive never seen mine eat any of my snails. Im not saying it hasnt, but Ive never seen it..and it hasnt bothered any of my corals either..its in a reef tank.
When its on the glass, I slip whatever Im gonna feed it, under a leg and then it gets over it and eats it.
I know my arrow crab took out every single red leg hermit I had with my crew thou.


frozen krills, a favorite. The only problem is your cleaner crew usually gets to it 1st. I guess you won't have to worry about that though!!:D
Just kidding of course, I got rid of 2 stars because I couldn't keep their bellies full.


Active Member
thanks for the help my star seems to be doing better. I have frozen brine and squid. i think that she has been eating that. I am going to get some shrimp this weekend and see if that works. Thanks for all of the replies, I really appreciate it.
Bob: I thought that bahamas were illegal??? Do you have any old pictures of it? i would love to see it. I did get rid of a signiicant amount of my algea this weeks. I scrubed the tank gently. then I did a water change, and added some more plants. I don't have a fuge currently, but I think I need one now. the death of several of my plants must have messed up some of the chemistry in my tank. Due to my lovely angel fish who eats all of my plants, I will have to purchase a fuge soon. Bob was right again. the Ph was getting out of wack from the death of my plants. Thanks again bob.
thanks everyone who helped me with my star. She is much happier now.