starter corals


Hey all, I have changed my mind from doing a fowlr tank, to a reef tank that will probably hold a couple fish. I wanted to know of some good cheap beginner corals, feather dusters, anemones, etc. And what kind of light would they need?
Thank you


Active Member
mushrooms are the easiest and probably the most hardy. They come in just about every color. I would start with those and zoo's.


Ok thanks. Any type of mushroom inpaticular? And what is the full name for zoo's? And what about polyps, hard coral, and soft corals? And what is the diet that I would need to give them? Sorry one more question, what kind of lighting? Thanks


Active Member
all mushrooms are pretty hardy as far as I know. ricordia is probably the least hardy but still very hardy. Zoo's, I guess I should have said Zoa's=Zoanthids but what I am really refering to are sea mat, button polyps, yellow polyps and those simular types of polyps in general although they may not all be classified as classified zoanthids.


oh ok thanks. For the polyps and mushrooms, what should their diet consist of? And what brand and what type of lighting would be good for my tank?


well i just started my "reef" and i put in some zoos... i plan to get some xenia and shrooms in the future... i have 65 watts of pc lighting


New Member
those corals only require light to thrive..
what size tank do u have and what kind of lighting are u currently using?


What do you mean? I have a 25 gallon, and I have a flurescent light. I am not sure the of the watts. It came with the freshwater tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hops523
What do you mean? I have a 25 gallon, and I have a flurescent light. I am not sure the of the watts. It came with the freshwater tank.

I have a 25 gal too and it came with the one flourescent light. I have a 20 watt, 18,000K Power Glo light in mine and my mushrooms are doing just great. So mushrooms will do very well for you if you are keeping that same lighting. For anemone's you would need much better lighting and the folks here can help you with that.
Go for the mushrooms, they are great!


Maybe we have the same lighting, I am not sure. Did it say it had 18,000K, if not how did you find out? Do you keep anything else in there? I think I will hold off on the anemones, but I am not sure


You'll definitely want to hold off on the anenomes. They require some pretty serious lighting. I have 320 watts of pc (power compact) lighting on a 75 gallon tank. That equates to just over 4 watts per gallon. I've been told that I can comfortably handle xenia, mushrooms...soft corals. To (comfortably) get the anenomes and hard corals you'll want vho (very high output) at a minimum...with metal halides being the recommended route.


I am not getting an anemone yet. I am not sure, but what if I only had a 20 watt light. Would I be able to get any corals? I was planning on getting another light anyways, but just curious.


Everything that I've don't want to skimp on lights. You should be able to get by with pc lighting on a 25...but you'll want to have 3-4 watts per gallon for soft corals like xenia...mushrooms could be less, but I would check with others to make sure. I don't have any shrooms yet, but my xenia are growing like crazy under my lights...and I have just over 4 watts per gallon.


Active Member
i would go with 95 watts of power compact, that should be good for pretty much any soft corals. or go with a 175watt metal halide pendant.


Active Member
You have been given some good advice there.....

One of the reasons that I don't upgrade is the availability of getting some corals here where I live. We do have alot of anemone's come into our LFS here but no one in my opinion in these stores has any idea what they are doing with them. They will sell you just about anything.
I started out with 3 single mushrooms: green, red, green hairy. These have mulitplied in my tank quite nicely. I just as a matter of fact scooped up one green hairy and one green mushroom and placed them on other areas of the tank I would like more mushrooms to grow. To get a nice clump of mushrooms here I am talking about 6 in a cluster we pay $55.00 CDN..... :scared: Yep you hear right, all our corals are shipped in and we pay dearly for them. Single mushrooms $9.00 CDN but I have found a nice place 30 min from my home town that has some nice singles for $5.00 CDN I will be paying them a visit...

So if you plan on going into anemone's etc I highly recommend that you upgrade your lights like suggested, this will give you the best choices of corals for your tank. If you are like me where selection is very limited then the light I have will be just fine.
You asked where I found the 18,000k. The light that came with my system is your everyday warm florescent light. I bought a Coralife Power Glo 20 watt 18,000k from my LFS. It says right on the bulb and packaging it comes in as to what the watts are the the kelvin rating.
Good luck to you, make sure you do it right the first time to save yourself money in the end.


Yes, I will definatly take this advice, thanks all. Also you said you started with a couple mushrooms, how long did it take them to spread? Do any of you feed you coral that liquid stuff?