Starting a 10G tank


New Member
Hi it has been a long time since I have had to start a new tank. I have decided to keep it small and go for a 10G. I could really use your assistance to suggest a filter, lighting, ETC. I was hoping to keep a few corals, fish and the odd inverts. I full understand that the tank wont hold much but I want small and simple with what I do put in it. I plan to start putting this together in the next two weeks.
Thanks for all you assistance and suggestions.


Active Member
have you learend about the cycle? if your planning on keeping some corals i would start with easy ones like mushrooms, zoas, etc. some nice light would proboly be some T5. depending on the size of your 10 gallon tank would depend on your lights. And for a filter an easy one would be one that hangs on the back and say for saltwateter. i use those alot. Make shure you do ALOT of research. and be very patient, ive been told "good things take while, Bad in a second".


New Member
I had a 40 G many years ago, but no longer have any supplies. I ran an Ehim filter and saliene solutions skimmer, with a far number of power heads hidden in the tank. I am not looking for such a heavy duty filter in such a small tank. I did have a shop suggest I can use a hagen aquaclear filter, just buy bigger then I normally wold, Not sure that I like that idea.


You an get a HOB filter....and yes...always go bigger with can use a penguin HOB if you want, just get the one for a 30G....If you want a reef, look into T5 light fixtures,


New Member
I have a Aquaclear 50 on my ten gallon. plenty of water movement. i also got a power nano head just to help with patterning.