Starting a 29 gallon reef tank


Well-Known Member
ur structure looks good but the HA rock needs to be scrubbed! Next w/c u do, take out that rock and scrup it with a new toothbrush in ur old water!
Just wondering - Is that a dorm room? I just noticed the painted concrete walls....
Nice tank coming along by the way. Need to get rid of that hair algae before it spreads too much. Get control of your nitrates and phosphates and algae won't be a problem. You may even have to keep your lights on only four hours a day until it clears up. It seems that right now because you don't have any fish and the tank is still kind of new - that you might want to check your top off water to make sure your not adding additional nitrate/phosphate into the system.


Are you running your lights during a cycle? If so that is the cause of your hair algae problem. I would take it out and scrubbed as recommended above. It looks like you are growing it on purpose almost lol.


no not a dorm room just an old house. i scrub off most of the algae already.need to get some salt to do a water change haven't had the money for a test set yet so i haven't put any fish in it and the lfs that i like to go to in a long drive so i haven't had a chance go their yet to have the water tested. hope to get that dine next week sometime.


yeah short of i like watching move around since theirs not much in it had a ton of things crawling around on it. i have the lights on a couple hours at night .


is the first pic a coral banded shrimp? Did you ever get any cuc?
you picked some mean fish to start with


Well-Known Member
+1 ur tanks gonna be pretty agressive! Some people dont like the coral banded shrimp...but i had no problems with the one i had!
you picked some mean fish to start with


LOL..I had no problems with mine either...WELL until it started eating my fish that is.....LOLOL
You need to get your cuc first....BUT now you are stocked with your fish

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Do you self a favor and throw a small piece of cocktail shrimp in your tank and start taking readings after a few days rock and sand does not guarantee you anything at this stage you just added fish to your new tank