Originally Posted by
Flower http:///t/389916/starting-a-new-28g/20#post_3466075
Oh boy...First have a good cry, that's what I would do. Next...get a critter that eats HA and on the day before it is to arrive, remove the rock and scrub it under saltwater and then rinse it in another saltwater bucket to be rid of spores as best you can. This should give your eater a head start. Don't run your lights too long, and if the bulbs are old replace them. Don't overfeed corals or fish.
Macroalgae can be very decorative, and feed on the extra phosphates and nitrates that are feeding the HA. Don't bother to test PO4 (Phosphates) you will get a false negative. You have phosphates.
If you feed frozen foods...rinse it before you feed the fish. Use a fish net, put your frozen food in it then run water over it from the tap to thaw it, then last rinse use RO water...invert the net in the fish tank.
If you feed your fish pellets or flake STOP using it, it pollutes the tank.
Hope this helps.
well flower i did have a good cry already lol. i do have snails in there, should i get a sea hare? i will clean out the rocks also and the lights are brand new led lights. i do feed frozen and that is how i prepare it for the fish. i use ro water only. how in the world did i get phosphates its a new set up and i only have 3 very small fish in there with a few snails and a pistol shrimp. for coral i just have a hammer coral and candy cane.
i do not have a sump on this set up...its an all in one cube. btw the red macro you sent me didnt make it
but the green one did
thanks for that!