starting a rotifer culture from live rotifers


in the book clownfishes by joyce d wilkersson, on page 172 on top she describes how to culture rotifers live rotifers her ingredients are
1-1 qt. live sw rotifer type
2-1 qt sw with the specific gravity of 1.017
i have a few questions do i put these amounts in a 2 liter bottle ? in a 10 gallon tank ? if so 1 qt of live rotifers and 1 qt a salt water will be empty in a 10 gallon tank i'm assuming you use a bottole 1 or 2 liters ?
the next question is she says "greenwater" no specificication on how much what type etc.. can some one help me please ??

bang guy

Start reading from page 163.
You need to grow the greenwater and get a good culture going before you start with the Rotifers.


she list places i called who are no longer in business plus it costs $70 a liter for green water plus shipping how do you make your own green water ?