Starting Tank


New Member
hello, im really new to the salt scene, so im researching for a possible tank (fish only) in about 1 year (enough time to research basics) and thought i would throw out some i deas before i do something really stupid!!! now what about the following ideas for a starter 1st timmer setup????
All-Glass brand ELITE 55 Gallon Freshwater Deluxe Aquarium Kit (convert to salt use)

* 2 - 24” Flourescant Full Hood with Bulbs
* AquaClear Power Filter 70
* AquaClear Foam, Carbon and BioMax
* 200 Watt Heater
* Aquarium Net Adhesive Thermometer
* Aquarium Kit Instructions
* Nutrafin AquaPlus Water Conditioner (1 fl oz)
* Nutrafin Max Complete Flake Food (1 oz)
* Dimension: 48” x 13” x 20”
with the following fish: ( 1 of each)
blue chromis
blue/yellow chromis
blue/green chromis
ocellaris clown (black/white)
percula clown ("nemo" from finding nemo)
1. do i have to use/have live sand of live rock???
2. using filter listed above how long before tank is cycled (safe for fish)????

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by kingfisher
1. do i have to use/have live sand of live rock???
No, BUT if you don't, you will have WAY more issues.
Originally Posted by kingfisher

2. using filter listed above how long before tank is cycled (safe for fish)????
I don't know as far as time, but I do know that it is safe when your Ammonia and Nitrates (I think it's Nitrates) are zero. I'll post more later.


It's your nitrites that have to be at 0, and your nitrates should be hovering around 20 or less.
It's really advised not to have a marine tank without live rock and/or sand, but I'm sure it can be done. It'll just cause you a lot of headache in the process.
As for the AquaClear filter, I've heard good things about them, and with a 55 gal that should be ok (but you may want to consider going to a 110 model). Just be sure to research the media types (they're customizable for AquaClear's). I have an AquaClear 30 in a 10 gallon setup of mine and I'm very, very pleased with it. Finally, consider getting 2 separate 100W heaters instead of the 200W, it'll help you out in the long run, IMO.


New Member
so, in other words, get 2 lower wattage heaters, and upgrade my filter a little more! I think i'll do the live sand, but can i get away with fake rock? but other than that, everything else sounds like it gonna work? cause i have a relative thats telling me salt tanks are a money pit, but ive always wanted one! is there any other fish that would work with the ones i wanted, i want to stay a little cheap for now, until i get the hang of everthing! if god forbid it doesn't work out i dont want to loose a $#!& load of money. i thought the tank was a nice idea cause its only $157.00 at meijers


Yes, 2 lower wattage heaters and a little better filtration. You could probably get away with out using "live" rock, but it helps stabilize the tank's water a LOT. Live sand also helps this out.
With just a bunch of chromis and clowns, you'll have a very active tank, just stick with those. Maybe some sand-sifting gobies. Get a bunch of cleanup snails (turbo snails, etc.) and they'll keep your glass pretty clean too. Just be careful not to overload your tank, it's easy to do in saltwater. Good rule of thumb is one inch of fish per 2 gallons, but less than that in some cases.


New Member
as i posted before about the tank kit, i found the same kit but a different version by the same company, it features a wisper series filter, instead of a aquaclear series filter, which is better??? and i also found 2 different testers, both suction to the inside of the tank underwater, and last 4-6 weeks and take cotinuous tank readings, one is for Ph and the other tests amonia, are these reliable or dont bother with them????


For the filter....definitely do NOT go with the Whisper. They're crap IMO. AquaClear is a quality brand, stick with that.
And yeah, the stick on test thingys are pretty cool and are worth it. It lets you quickly see if your tank is need of attention. I'd not suggest getting them until your tank is cycled though...Until that you need to be testing all your tank parameters daily anyway. The stickers are used for a quick reference once your tank is established, again IMO.


make sure when starting your tank, dont skimp on live rock. with the right rock, you can greatly reduce cycle times. you will get many opinions on how to cycle, how long it will take, and what is good and not good when cycling. it all boils down to your tank itself. water volume, rock quality, flow, quality and/or age of ro/di filters, fuge or no fuge and if so how thick is sand bed, make at least 6 inches 8 is better. and the list goes on. i only skimmed thru the post, and forgot whether you are doing a fuge or not, hopefully so, if will eventually, so do it now. just wait till trites go down before you put plants in (chaeto, not calurpa because it goes sexual) get ready to spend some money, doing this right is not cheap. i could not imagine doing this on a limited budget.


New Member
i just got a quick question, ive read in somewhere that reverse osmosis water was available at grocery stores, is it the same thing as distiiled water?????


Actually distilled water is purer, but you want to use RO or RO/DI water for your tank.
And actually, RO/DI is usually pretty close to distilled water in terms of purity. RO/DI water is purer than RO water.