Startup Costs



Well here comes the most common question in the world but I will ask it anyway. We are being quoted $5K for a 135 GL tank including pumps, lights, overflow and $800 of coral. Am I being had or is this truly the cost of a tank this size. Of course we are being told this is all the latest and greatest technology but I feel like I am being had. Any help would be great.

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds fairly reasonable to could always establisg the system yourself and maybe save a few bucks.....but $5000 for a totally set-up 135 isn't bad at all considering they do all the work.


Active Member
I have about $2k in a 75 FOWLR with 50lbs of LR. But I just have a Flour light not a MH light.
So add a $500 light, $800 in coral, and lets say 60lbs of LR at $7/lb = additional $1,720. For a total of $3,750 give or take.
Seems a little high at $5k to me.


Active Member

Originally Posted by derrobin
Well here comes the most common question in the world but I will ask it anyway. We are being quoted $5K for a 135 GL tank including pumps, lights, overflow and $800 of coral. Am I being had ----yes

or is this truly the cost of a tank this size. Of course we are being told this is all the latest and greatest technology but I feel like I am being had. Any help would be great.
if your paying for an overflow box yes your being had....there is one locally here with Reef Ready(built in overflows) that is 300g for $900---stand canopy and vho lights...I know a lady that had hers custom built 425 gallon for less then that.---plus you ccan almost garentee that many of the corals will die in transit or tank swap.
is the set-up free? complete ready to go tank and coral set up? for 5000. or is it a come pick it up and get it running yourself for 5000----seems entirely to high to me...
does the sump come with it ---all plumbing---skimmer? stand, canopy, MH lights, got to know the specifics....I myself would never pay that much.....


Originally Posted by coachKLM
if your paying for an overflow box yes your being had....there is one locally here with Reef Ready(built in overflows) that is 300g for $900---stand canopy and vho lights...I know a lady that had hers custom built 425 gallon for less then that.---plus you ccan almost garentee that many of the corals will die in transit or tank swap.
is the set-up free? complete ready to go tank and coral set up? for 5000. or is it a come pick it up and get it running yourself for 5000----seems entirely to high to me...
does the sump come with it ---all plumbing---skimmer? stand, canopy, MH lights, got to know the specifics....I myself would never pay that much.....

It is all inclusive..pumps, lights, skimmer. They do the setup, install,etc..It is going into a cabinet that they have to cut to put all of the pump and wiring. I was thinking $3K was reasonable. Looks like it will be worth getting another quote,


I am in the process of setting up a 125 reef. I got the Tank (AGA), unfinished stand, canopy, and 2 overflow plumbing kits for ~$1200. The tank is drilled with 2 overflows, one in each end. I have a filter on order, to be built next month, that is a sump type with the skimmer that is another $949, this includes all the plumbing, hoses, and pumps. Seperate refugium, again includes all plumbing, hoses and pump for $229. The lights I am getting 3x250w MH and 4X80w T5 are another ~$750. I plan on running a Tunzee Turbelle Stream wchich adds another $200 and then my RO/DI, the Typhhoon III is another $200.
That brings me to around $3300 and I stained the stand/canopy myself. It also does not include any live rock which I am estimating to run about $400-500 for the amount I need. I, well hubby, will have to set it all up also. So that sounds reasonable to me if you like all the components to it.
I have not included the price of a couple canopy fans and heaters. I


Active Member
Seem very high to me, whats the breakdown for each item? Do what I do and scan the newspaper every weekend for people dumping tanks on the market, I just picked up 180g, stand, hood, wet'dry, UV, calcium reactor, 10,000k x 4, timers, test kits, sand, coral (dead) pumps, powerheads etc...cost the guy 5-6k and I got it used for $1500... There was another tank in the paper the guy had 35k invested and wanted 5k


Active Member
Originally Posted by derrobin
Well here comes the most common question in the world but I will ask it anyway. We are being quoted $5K for a 135 GL tank including pumps, lights, overflow and $800 of coral. Am I being had or is this truly the cost of a tank this size. Of course we are being told this is all the latest and greatest technology but I feel like I am being had. Any help would be great.

Have them itemize the hardware make and model of the equipment and check the online pricing as a comparison. Could be all high end or low end equipment and that will help you decide it it's a good deal or not. Is the stand and canopy pine or oak? Sump or just power heads and hang ons.... It implies sump since you have overflows. $4200 for equipment and tank if high quality equipment dosen't sound high. You are going to pay a little more for the convenience one stop shopping from a LFS. You would think a package deal would be cheaper, but that hasn't been my experence when I was looking for a new 120.... You most likey can save a little by piecing together with online parts and local tank, but then there is something to be said about package deal setup. Plus always remember LFSs will negotiate on price!


Active Member
Definitely get an itemized list. If they are giving you, for example, the normal basic PCs or Normal Output lights that come with these tanks, then I wouldn't pay for that. If they are giving you higher end lights (and they will surely say they are but get them specifically to list), that is different. Also, what is meant by "$800" of coral? Artificial coral? Live rock? etc? Definitely itemize so that we can point out anything missing etc.


Active Member
If you were to DIY, Shop and order and pick up and set up piece it together, do all the leg work and many trips to LFS and HomeDepot and go thru cycle ect. for going to nothing to a reef tank ready for many of us do or did.
lets see, some ball park numbers but you do get to choose quality over what they give you and the pride that you did it but takes about 2 months time......
135g RR glass tank..........................................500
Basic stand.....................................................300
2 overflow kits................................................100
Factory WDsump.............................................300
Mag 18...........................................................150
AquaC EV180..................................................350
RO/DI filter.....................................................250
200gBucket of salt...........................................100
5x40lb aragonite..............................................150
150lb liverock( this could be +or- )...................1000
misc. test kits...................................................100
misc. power strips,timers..................................100
misc. hoses,pipes,fittings,other equp.................300
In the Ball Park to DIY. online can be cheaper but watch the shipping cost and LFS can be higher so shop around.
Dont know if your getting everything needed or if you know what all is needed or if the stuff is quality or not.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
135g RR glass tank..........................................500

Basic stand.....................................................300

2 overflow kits................................................100

Factory WDsump.............................................300----DIY $150
Mag 18...........................................................150---used w/new impellar $80
AquaC EV180..................................................350---used in good shape $250
3x150+4x96,72"fixture...................................1000---used $7-800 w/new bulbs 5-600DIY
RO/DI filter.....................................................250---- used w/cleanup $150
200gBucket of salt...........................................100

wow $39.99 here
5x40lb aragonite..............................................150

150lb liverock( this could be +or- )...................1000---$750 -5.00/lbs
misc. test kits...................................................100


misc. power strips,timers..................................100

misc. hoses,pipes,fittings,other equp.................300




Active Member
You forgot a closed loop or addtional PH for a higher turn over than 10X. I would guess you want that since your going with MH..... for SPS/LPS. Dogstar nice job!


Active Member
5k is definitely in the ball park, bare in mind this will be set-up an delivered. Plus a good relationship with a LFS is golden because they can always help you out and answer questions. IF you come back and buy fish or just ask some questions they will be resentful, try to bargain them down a little bit if you feel more comfortable. But If you get an exact list I can tell you exactly like others already did. What state are you in?


They do the setup, install,etc..
People don't work for free. Given the amount of work required to setup something like this. I wouldn't expect much less, if at all from a different quote.
You people can quote "setting one up yourself" for ~$3000 all day, that's not going to change anything. He's having it done for him. Expect to pay the extra$$.
Do you have any idea how much money goes into a contractors/laborers pockets for "building your house". More than half the cost of the house.
If you want to pay someone to do the work for you, deal with it. They have to make a living ya know.


Active Member
I will just say though, having worked at an LFS, that the tank packages are often not like what Dogstar has listed. It is often the basic lighting that a manufacturer like Oceanic sends, in which case it is some lame PCs suitable for a FO tank and not much more. There definitely needs to be a full and complete listing of exactly what is included before any deal is made. And I would guess that it will be an expensive package for what you get. Maybe not, but often.
And BTW, that did not include ANY set up or delivery which was extra. I can't tell from this if they are just looking at a package or getting one delivered and set up. They have to make a living, but they also sometimes mislead people into thinking that they can't do it. We at least told people that you really didn't need the expense of a set is not rocket science.


I'm pretty new here and haven't yet built a reef tank. Right now I have only a fish only tank. IMO the whole doing it all yourself, with the set up, cycling, rearanging and stocking your tank with the equipment, and livestock that you want is really the fun part. A LFS would have to pay me to use my house for their showroom. Do it yourself, you will be much happier.


I just set up a 125 gallon reef ready glass with two corner overflows, oak canopy and stand, Mega Flow Model 4 sump, 4 - maxi jet 1200 with 2 wave deflectors, Coral Life Super Skimmer for up to 125 gal, 120 lbs aragonite sand, 20 lbs LS to seed, 150+ lbs. LR, all heaters, thermometers, test kits, refractometer, Coral life Pure-Flo II RO/DI unit and they set it up for me at no additional cost for $2,400. I still need to purchase the lights which will be around another $750. So I think it may be a little high.


I agree with fuppets. Do it yourself. It is more enjoyable and you have more satisfaction in the end. The "set uppers" are for people who are people in a rush and must have it now. Wrong attitude in this hobby. Just my opinion.
I have always been one to research and learn. This is not that hard of a hobby. Especially now a days. Imagine 10 years ao when I first had mine what it was like. Got away for several years and when I came back into the hobby many things have changed including the ease and use of the new equipment.
O well thats my .02


Originally Posted by derrobin
It is all inclusive..pumps, lights, skimmer. They do the setup, install,etc..It is going into a cabinet that they have to cut to put all of the pump and wiring. I was thinking $3K was reasonable. Looks like it will be worth getting another quote,
No, 5k is about right if they're setting it up and it includes the stand as well. I paid 5k for my 180 gallon w/stand, lights, sump, skimmer, pump, non-live sand, and some LR and I had to set it up and get it running myself.
The place I bought it from would have charged about 10k if I had them set it up and include the proper amount of LR and some corals or fish.