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LOL, being a born and bred, from born and bred in Miami parents (how rare is that?!? 2nd gen native Floridian, much less from Miami?), I'm adjusting. Florida is the only state that the more north you travel, the more south you become. Orlando is a get mix of modern surrounded by southern. My folks moved to Alabama and that's being quite the change in scenery. My grandsparents live in Tennessee and it's always fantastic when we visit for the holidays. It's wierd, people actually wave at you because they're friendly?
Yea, I don't think I'd mind snow like that. Just come for a day or two a year, couple days off work/school. Be perfect.
You nailed it, at least in my view. Some parts of Florida have become so diverse that it's like looking at a picture from overseas. True Southern can only be picked up when you move to some states up.