still fighting nitrates!!


I can not get my trates down! we have done a tone of water changes and still they are high. I use test strips I know but they've always worked for me. Ihave a 46 and we have done 10 gals every few days for the last 2 weeks and got nothin! why could they be high and still high? got any ideas would be great thanks!


Active Member
what type of filter do you have?
one thing i do to keep nitrates down is every other month i take the live rock out and put it to the bucket with the water i just changed out of the tank and use a turkey baster to blow all the stuff off the rocks.


i have a bak pak 2 but I'm not gonna dissasemble my tank once a month that's crazy I have corals and snails and hermits everywhere! but thx for the idea!


Active Member
well i only have a couple corals so its not that hard for me to just place them on a difference rock for a couple minutes.

don trinko

I would get a liquid test kit. They are more accurate. My lfs tested my water once( test strips) and said my nitrates were 80, I went home and tested
( liquid) and my test said 40. ( this was freah water but sw is similar) I use API kits but many are available. Don T.


Active Member
Don't use test strips, as they have a history of being innacurate. Get a real test kit and see what your trate levels are.
What this an established tank that had low Nitrates then all of the sudden high, or is this a new tank? Have you allowed the entire cycle to go through its paces? While water changes can help reduce Nitrates to a managable level, you really need to look at the cause of the nitrates. Look at:
Over feeding
Water you are using already has nitrates
Something dead
Dieoff from LR
Tank wasn't cycles properly so you are having a lot of dieoff


Definitely get a better test kit than strips...Also cut back on feeding, and continue the water changes


thanks guys I have an old liquid test kit I'll try that.
overfeeding? false perc, 2 chromis, a cleaner wrasse, 6-line,ornate goby, and a LB Oh and a really hungry coral banded shrimp! I only feed 1 cube of brine?
something dead? I've had a few snails die but removed them asap!
My tanks is 4 years old so so it is established.
dieoff from LR? maybe some of the green hair algea is dying! but why would the LR have die off?
thanks a ton!


Active Member
I think you are overfeeding IMO. You don't need a whole cube to feed those fish. Put that cube in a coffee cup and dilute it with some water from the tank. Then suck it up w/ a squirt tube (brain fart on what those are called) and spray it into the tank. Only put what the fish can eat under two minutes. Only do this once a day.


thanks but what do I do with the left over food in the cup? can i use it the next day? u really think I'm over feeding? cause it takes like 3 mins or so but they seem hungry after later at night too!


not deep enough some spots 2 1/2 in some almost none the goby pushes it around. I need to do a lil clean up and then add some more sand! would that couse high nitrates.


Active Member
Yes i think you are overfeeding IMO. Just my opinion, but yes, that is definately ONE cause of the nitrates (there may be others).
Get a coffee cup you don't use and won't use (ceramic). But like four cubes in there and submerse the cubes (or almost submerse) them in tank water. This will thaw them out enough to squeeze some in a tube and shoot it into the tank. Once you've allowed them to feed (again no longer than 2 minutes!) put the cup in the freezer. This will keep the food.
During the next feeding (yes the next day, not in the same day :)) take the cup out and set it near the light of the tank to thaw out (may take about 30 minutes). Then again squirt it into the tank for feeding.
cut the cube inot 1/4 cubes b4 they thaw. I did the same for my grouper and he eats more but less at the same time. Meaning... Instead of feeding hime every other day with a whole cube, I just feed him 1/4 everyday so he gets it everyday but less.
hmm do this take some water to your LFS dont use your "old" test kit might be outdated unless it shows its not...
get it tested at your LFS.
do that and tell us what they say or show.
i feed 1 cube everyother day if your feeding 1 cube every day might be toomuch.
just cut down on feeding alittle but then again if the food is gone within 1 minute or 2 then your good. anything after that is overfeeding to me, and heck yes fish will ea all day its your job to make sure your feed them properly and not make them fat slobs. :p