Stingray - Blue Spotted


They do require a big open sand bottom. With 180lbs of live rock, I would say you are limited with room on the bottom.


I at one point wanted to house a blue spot stingray in the tank im setting up (280g) but after research quickly went away from it due to the amount of failure stories i read over sucess, from my readings i basically concluded that you have to be a stingray expert to keep a blue spot alive for over 6months, but they are amazing looking creatures and could assume there'd be a lot of enjoyment if all went well. Good luck


Originally Posted by littlefish1981
can i put a sting ray in a 200 gallon tank wiyh outher fish and with 180 pounds of live rock
I would not!! I have a cortez ray in a 225G. Have had her over a 1 1/2years now, and In about 2 weeks I am taking her to an aquarium because she needs much more room.....

Had I known the size she could get, I never would have taken her home with me . She was only 3" when I got her...she is now over 17" long, and her disc is almost 11"