I can't see the pic too clear since it is so small. I will say this if it means anything.....I tried to enlarge and lost all quality, but didn't see any claspers. If it has two appendages sticking out at the base of the tail, then it's a boy, if there are not two OBVIOUS appendages sticking out at the base of the tail, it's a girl. My stingrays always loved silversides, and starfish are great for cleanup of scraps. Make sure the sand is deep enough, and fine enough, to bury it's whole body into without getting cut. If it turns out to be a southern stingray, he is going to grow too large. Can you get a larger quality pic? Can't think of anything else, but never ever ever medicate the tank...copper will kill him. Very sloppy eaters, so I recommend starfish as a cleanup crew. Large serpent stars cruise across the sand when they smell the scraps.....pretty much what I used for cleanup. Don't put any cleanerfish, or cleaners in general, they will pick at it's eyes when buried, and don't put any fish in there that will pick at his eyes when he is buried. They just see these little bumps sticking out of the sand, and will bite the rays eyes. Don't put ANY mean fish in there either, they will out swim the ray easily, and they will tear into the rays very soft skin.