

Active Member

Originally posted by Mukiwa
P.S. and most people in Europe hate Americans because they talk WAY too loud......

Having been through every country in Europe (prior USSR break-up) and about to marry a German girl, I feel confident in labeling that comment 'ridiculous'. If you think Europeans hate Americans b/c of the volume of speech, then your middle school needs some more non-Western perspective classes.
Maybe Europens say they dislike American tourists b/c they talk loud, are rude, and have no interest in learning the culture (which I've witnessed as being far too true). But to say they hate America in general b/c we talk too loud, is ridiculously overlooking obvious cultural and political factors.


Active Member
As for the UN, I don't think they should be complaining considering we provide 93% of their funding.
Maybe we should cut UN funding to help the tsunami victims, considering the billions we spend on defending the very same countries who are blasting us.
Eh well, that's the standard though, don't expect to see it change. Just like comments re: Bill Gates, no matter how much people give, they'll always be expected to give more. And probably should be expected to do so, I just disagree with Kofi's word choice, or lack thereof.

bang guy

Sorry, but if I give someone a significant portion of my disposable income and they then turn around and call me stingy it's just going to piss me off.
IMO we should pay our (considerable) debt to the U.N. and then quit and boot them out of the country. Then we can get down to the business of helping those in need - our own first.


MorayM talking loud is just 1 example...your right to that when Americans travel over there they are rude-no offence to all-...but the people in America are nice....and I was born in South Africa and my parents where in Africa too........
Bang.... if we help everyone in America first then thousands of people will die... it is like eating lunch....Say your eating a big sandwhich with orange juice and a person next to you is eating 3 chicken nuggets, they will be fine and accross from you someone is starving to death...which person do you help out most?? You could give the person next to you SOME of your sandwhich but the person accros from you needs it more

bang guy


Originally posted by Mukiwa
Bang.... if we help everyone in America first then thousands of people will die

Millions of people are going to die, not Thousands. However, we can prevent Billions from dying. Think of it this way...
We have a bumper crop of corn and someone comes along and burns it down. Now we have one ear of corn left. We could give that ear of corn to someone and it will keep them alive a few more days. Or, we could plant the kernels from that ear of corn and eventually feed most of the world. So, save a few now, or make headway into solving the worlds problems.
Our farmers are going bankrupt and yet we continue to let the world ---- them economically.

bang guy

In case anyone is wondering... Bigarn & I are not the same person. We just share a lot of (not politically correct) ideals.


hehe the government is just like going to the drive thru...they f__k ya,they f__k ya..I'm all about helping those in need..I just get a case of the red ass when there are homeless people here and people suffering and no other country ever helps us..oh well life is sh_t sandwhich and you take a bite everyday..


Staff member
Our being generous is not completely altruistic. A lot of the aid we give has to do with "political control'. And I think that is why so many hate us. We are the leaders of the world, and its a lonely place being at the top.
However, if we keep ignoring our own citizen's needs, eventually, the basic fiber of our civilization will crumple. The money, afterall, comes out of our pockets.
Also, I'm not socialist, so I don't belive if I earn a million dollars that I should give the bulk of it away to those who earn little or nothing. The USA will be the largest contributers to the tsunami victims, and will probably give more than everyone else combined....both official government money as well as the outpouring of charities.
As far as being loud and rude...there are plenty of people in the world that are much louder! LOL People hate tourists because they interfere with the normal flow of daily living. I live in a tourist town and belive me I hate all of them who come here! LOL. Different cultures have different expectations, and when those expectations aren't the same, then "judgements" are made such as that culture is rude, or ignorant, or whatever. Its just being different.


Active Member
I'm with you Beth!
Being from DC, and working in the area, if I get asked to take a picture one more time on my way to a meeting, i'm going to snap.
Who are these tourists waking up and taking pictures of an office building at 630 am!?!?!
When i'm on vacation, i sleep in.