stock list for my 135 gallon tank


hi i am looking for ideas on what kind of fish to add to my 135 gallon fish only tank. I have a yellow tang and two true percs in there now. i would like to add an angel, the ones i like are the flame, emperor, flagfin, blue angel, i was also like to add another tang, naso, hippo, convict also what other fish would go good with the ones i like. i want my tank to look full but not overstock. any help would be great. !!


Levinjac, the OP posted this in FISH ONLY and specifically states that is a fish only system.
Since you already have one tang in your system, I would recommend on more large fish, either a tang or an Angel, but not both. You can do one more large fish AND the Flame Angel, as this is only a dwarf species. I would highly recommend looking at the feeding requirements for large angels before deciding to get one. Also, look at some of the larger Fish Only Wrasses, they have beautiful colors.
As for little fish, a goby and a group of schooling fish (Anthias or Chromis) would be nice. Flasher and fairy wrasses and basslets always add nice color to a tank. If you don't plan on having shrimp, look into some Pseudochromis as well.


thanks guys, no reef tank, fish only. So how does one blue hippo tang, a flame angel and then 5 chromis. i have blue leg hermit crabs in there now and would like to ge a cleaner shrimp or is there any other shrimp with a good personality like the cleaner shrimp.


Is this a 4' long tank or 6' long tank? The length makes a big difference in what type of fish you can have, especially when talking about larger tangs and angels.


its actually 5 1/2 feet long its a custom acrylic tank 135 gallons flat back with 20 gallon sump.


did you guys ever look on u-tube, how do those guys get away with two or more angels in a tank and stuffing it full of fish. i see 7 to 8 large fish in a 125 gallon plus 10 little ones


Originally Posted by mjm889 http:///forum/thread/380832/stock-list-for-my-135-gallon-tank#post_3315333
did you guys ever look on u-tube, how do those guys get away with two or more angels in a tank and stuffing it full of fish. i see 7 to 8 large fish in a 125 gallon plus 10 little ones
Long term it just doesn't work out, and it's not a good thing to do to the fish. A smaller tank creates stressed fish because of territorial issues, as well as water quality.
Angels and tangs that just pace back and forth are not happy fish.


You can still do a tang or two, or a large angel and a dwarf. You might be successful with two dwarfs as many of us (I am) are in larger tanks.


Active Member
I like emperors they are very pretty adults!! and my dad said he got his as a juvi and it was like 4 inches and with full adult colors


New Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/380832/stock-list-for-my-135-gallon-tank#post_3315562
You can still do a tang or two, or a large angel and a dwarf. You might be successful with two dwarfs as many of us (I am) are in larger tanks.
Yes,two tangs are great as long as there added at the same time.
Originally Posted by levinjac
I like emperors they are very pretty adults!! and my dad said he got his as a juvi and it was like 4 inches and with full adult colors
A Emperor Angel fish can get way bigger then 4 inches.


Active Member
Ya but his was adult colors in only 4 inches it still kept growing i know how big they can really get


Originally Posted by djleder http:///forum/thread/380832/stock-list-for-my-135-gallon-tank#post_3315672
Yes,two tangs are great as long as there added at the same time.
They do not need to be added at the same time. I've added tangs at different times to the same tank and not had issues.
For example, if one is planning on having a yellow tang and a powder blue tang, it is highly recommended that the powder blue is added later and possibly the last fish to the tank.


Active Member
tangs are peasful with other tangs just dont mix them in the same fam altho you could have a school of yellows in a big enough tank


LOL...My sailfin and blue hippo go tail to tail every once in a while, and this is in a 225G
The yellow usually stays out of it