Stock List-What to Add First


I have a 90 gallon with a 25 gallon sump that i've just set up. I have a black clown and a six line wrasse as well a yellow goby. Here are the other fish i'd like to add over the next year:
Bangaii Cardinal
small Blue Tang
Flame Hawkfish
Lemonpeel Angelfish(maybe)
Orange Clown
What order would you recommend adding these? Would it be a mistake to add the foxface first?


Active Member
In my opinion your selection looks ok to add when ever you want. I added my Fox last so I am unsure as to which number it should go in if at all.
What are your plans on when your adding them? Are you going to try and add a few at a time?


I was planning on just adding them one at a time, maybe just 1 per month. I don't want to go too fast. Should I be adding more than one at a time?

bang guy

This is my suggestion:
Orange Clown
Flame Hawkfish
Bangaii Cardinal
Lemonpeel Angelfish
small Blue Tang (I recommend against adding this fish)