story thread


Active Member
...........and Joe said "they/re coming to take me away Ha Ha, they're coming to take me away Ho HO. Just then a padded wagon came racing up, two white uniformed men jumped out and wrapped Joe in a straight jacket, threw him in the back of the truck and sped off. Our hero's looked on in what can only be described as elation and went on their way to...........

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by spanko
...........and Joe said "they/re coming to take me away Ha Ha, they're coming to take me away Ho HO. Just then a padded wagon came racing up, two white uniformed men jumped out and wrapped Joe in a straight jacket, threw him in the back of the truck and sped off. Our hero's looked on in what can only be described as elation and went on their way to...........
Fly over the Cuckoo's Nest


Active Member
A place where life is beautiful all day long...........
....and found that to be pretty boring so the went on to............


Active Member
.....they found the gates locked and the windows barred. So they had to come up with a plan that.............


Active Member knowing that the attack monkeys guarding the facility had the combinations to get into the locked areas they........


Originally Posted by spanko
http:///forum/post/2977556 knowing that the attack monkeys guarding the facility had the combinations to get into the locked areas they........
Called Grape Ape...hoping he would be able to........


Active Member them. Knowing that Grape Ape's sneezes were equivalent to a hurricane they..............