Strange Hole in Shell


New Member
Hello all,
Today I noticed a hole in a cerith snail shell located above the opening. The hole is about one centimeter in diameter. It appears that something cracked this hole in the top to extract the contents. However, I have no clue as to what could have done it. Maybe a pistol shrimp? Has anybody else seen this?



Moon snail! sorry my science teacher in 8th grade has us involved in some sort of project that had us go to the beach and count the number of snails/clams that had been eaten by them. The hole is larger at the top and smaller at the bottom if that helps


New Member
Do any of you have an idea on how I could get rid of this pest. I have noticed it killing my hermit crabs at a fairly high frequency of late. I am at an end since I have never seen this mystery guest. Thanks in advance for any help.