Strange worm thing need id


While I was checking my tank out tonight I thought I saw a 6 or 7 inch piece of string in my tank going from a piece of rock to the sand bed. When I turnd on the flash light the string shriveled up. I waited for a while and used the red light on the flash light and found it again. It is some type of worm that can stretch quite a bit but the strange thing is that the one end that is moving looks like a T and is kinda flat and it sorta crawls across the rock. Does anybody have a clue what it may be and is it something I want to keep in there.


The T part sorta looks like a whale's tail. dark on the edges but kinda clear in the center. Does any body have any thoughts. If it is one of a kind I would be willing to do some kinda trade for it.


from the description sounds like a peanut worm. google it or look it up on the hitchhiker id thread. they are beneficial detritus eaters that come out at night. ive seen hundreds in my tank ranging from a few millimeters long to 4-6 inches.


I have peanuts in my tank. They are a straight worm and I have several different sizes. This one has a "foot" thing that looks like a whales tail that you con see to the right side of the pic.


New Member
Taz, my friend has one of those in his tank. The LFS says they are bad and will eat your fish and coral. From what I understand they are called Echiurid worms. They have venomous fingers. Let us know if you have found anything else out. We have no idea on how to rid of them. One already killed his clam.


gjohnnyp3, about how big is that. With your pic I can't tell. Mine looks like that and the fingers are about 1 1/2 inchrs across. I have not lost anything to it yet but maybe it hasn't gotten the chance yet. Mine is a green color don't know if that matters. Now that I have a name I'll have to do some research and maybe someoone else can chome in with some info.

bang guy

It looks like it could be a type of Echurid Worm called a Bonellid. If so it is a strict detrivore and unable to harm a living animal no matter how hungry it is. Completely 100% reef safe.

chat noir

New Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
It looks like it could be a type of Echurid Worm called a Bonellid. If so it is a strict detrivore and unable to harm a living animal no matter how hungry it is. Completely 100% reef safe.
It seems like a lot of people get kinda schocked and worried when they see a worm crawling around the tank. Not too mention the added fact that we hear from many sources, books, internet, etc opinions always differ whether or not they should be removed - what is your take on this - how does one decide whether or not to remove worms?
For instances, my inlaws saw a "centipede looking worm" in the their tank that was 3-4 inches long and a pinky finger thick in diameter - what would be your advice to them? Sorry, i dont have any pictures.

bang guy

A "centipede looking worm" is likely to be a Fireworm. 99.9% of the time these worms are beneficial to the system. The size of the worm is irrelevant. It is very rare to find a destructive Fireworm but they do exist and occationally show up.
My advise to them would be to keep the worm and be happy it's in there cleaning up the gunk.


Thanks Bang Guy for the response. The worm was a hitch hicker from a piece of lr that had gone into the tank. I didn't think that it was a "bad" worm since it did not go after anything for the past two months but it is always nice to know what it is that your feeding.