

Is this tank accessible to the general public?
If it is, I know this sounds crazy, but I remember a while back someone had a post of what was put into tanks either by accident or on purpose.

Other than seeing gym shoes and shorts....How about Gatorade or some other contaminate?

Just wondering...


Active Member
na. he's got no access from the front. the fake brick wall goes right to the rim of the tank. i don't think this is the type of gym to have irate members in it who sabbotage tanks.
you know what i didn't think of----salinity!


Active Member
Personally, I'd have started with some shrooms.
Is the top of the tank accessible so it can be replaced? (broken braces) I'd tend to want to use the tank that's already there.
Test for everything, as mentioned, and pick up a copper test. No telling what the other guys may have dosed. (especially if this was a fish only tank)
Xenia is hard to understand. Some people keep it for years without issue only to have it die off for no apparent reason whatsoever. Clean water...dirty water, it doesn't seem to matter. It does, however, seem to like low flow and lack of maintenance.

Also, the dogface is likely to munch on any coral you add.


If he says no to replacing the tank, go talk to a welding shop and see if you can't get them to weld a brace together that you can just drop right on to the tank. Kinda like this
|____| <--- its upside down, but you get the idea. Drain the water so it isn't bowing, and make sure its a tight fit when you put it on. Also, put a couple coats of primer on it to be sure no rust happens, or can get into the tank. Its a pretty effective solution to a broken brace that i have personally seen used a couple times. Its cheap, and effective. Just my .02 cents though.


Active Member
the guy asked me to give him an idea for something really interesting, for the customers. it can be a fish, or something else. personally, my opinion on mushrooms is- people who don't know corals could care less about some colored things attached to the rock. everyone finds xenia interesting (atleast until you've had it for a while), because it moves. any other suggestions would be welcome.
i really don't think he's ready for me to change his system over to a reef, and i also don't think people are going to appreciate some colored "plants" in the tank. the general public likes crabs, shrimp, pulsing xenia...nemo...stuff like that. if i dropped a piece of my watermelon chalice in there...people would ignore it to watch his coral beauty. you need to think "regular person", not reefkeeper.
i've already mentioned getting rid of the dogface puffer and replacing him with some simple shrimp and crabs.....he wasn't totallly opposed to it.


It infuriates me to see a "professionally maintained" tank look like this. The skimmer isn't working, bioballs just suck, and skim milk, well, there's a whole other subject. I'd cancel the maintenance contract immediately, find a temporary home for those poor fish and do a teardown. Fixing the braces is mandatory. I hope you can find a good home for the pipefish. I also hope there's some kind of background to keep the gym members from seeing all that crap in the back room.


Active Member
i hear you. believe me, i do.
i haven't run into the owner yet, since he got back from vacation. i'm going to have a long discussion with him about a few things

were you able to see that pole in the tank? today as i was taking pics, i noticed someone dropped some aliminum pole in the tank and just left it there.

should i even get involved?


I would like to see you get involved just because i know it would be a great "re build" I just hope the guy knows what it will cost and will be able to maintain it. Some people just arent cut out for Saltwater care and that tank is a perfect example. For $200 a month, i would expect a pristene(sp) tank. Might be a case of "I dont want my finger prints on that train wreck"


Originally Posted by Mr_X
should i even get involved?
I would not touch this with a 10' pole, not to mention the short aluminum one in the tank.
It is obvious the owner does not care for the tank the way it needs to be done. No matter how well you set it up they will let it decline. Maybe not at first but it will happen. I am sure you have pride in your work and will you not like the way it is being maintained in your absence. So you will have to live with it or spend a lot of time correcting it.
Just my .02 cents.


Active Member
You know what you want to do. But if you want to attack this job do it from a position of strength. Forget about free membership. Tell him to ditch the morons maintaining the tank and you will take over for the same fee but with much better results. Explain to him what it is going to cost to make things right and you will keep it looking beautiful month to month. What is the tank now, halfway to Hypo? Show him a pic of how your tank looks and let him know that you know how to maintain a SWF aquarium. This is going to be a job. Make it worth your while. If he don't go for your offer, it's no skin off your nose. You may start a new career this way, doing something you love.


Wow, what a dinky looking tank. It has so much potential! If you talk to the owner and he seems unwilling to do a makeover, show him this thread so he sees how appalled us fish lovers are!


Originally Posted by metweezer
You know what you want to do. But if you want to attack this job do it from a position of strength. Forget about free membership. Tell him to ditch the morons maintaining the tank and you will take over for the same fee but with much better results. Explain to him what it is going to cost to make things right and you will keep it looking beautiful month to month. What is the tank now, halfway to Hypo? Show him a pic of how your tank looks and let him know that you know how to maintain a SWF aquarium. This is going to be a job. Make it worth your while. If he don't go for your offer, it's no skin off your nose. You may start a new career this way, doing something you love.
+1 to that.


Active Member
JMO, but 1.017 is not that big a deal in a FO or FOWLR system. If I had no snails or hermits in my fuge, I would keep mine at 1.019. Fish are more active and more desease resistant at lower salinity. I believe all wholesalers keep their fish at 1.019. Before people started keeping corals, 1.017 was rather common, or so SrFisher tells me (he has been keeping SW tanks for more than 30 years).
ANyway, I'm certain you could beautify the tank considerably X, he just needs to open the wallet a little...I would leave it FO though, reef would be too big a step.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cveverly
It is obvious the owner does not care for the tank the way it needs to be done. No matter how well you set it up they will let it decline.
I disagree. The owner is currently spending $200 a month on what he thought was sound advice and proper care. He didn't know any better.
I do, however, agree that you (Mr X) should look at it as an ongoing job. Metweezer is right, this is worth more than a few perks. You are an expert in the field and should be compensated for your knowledge.