the guy asked me to give him an idea for something really interesting, for the customers. it can be a fish, or something else. personally, my opinion on mushrooms is- people who don't know corals could care less about some colored things attached to the rock. everyone finds xenia interesting (atleast until you've had it for a while), because it moves. any other suggestions would be welcome.
i really don't think he's ready for me to change his system over to a reef, and i also don't think people are going to appreciate some colored "plants" in the tank. the general public likes crabs, shrimp, pulsing xenia...nemo...stuff like that. if i dropped a piece of my watermelon chalice in there...people would ignore it to watch his coral beauty. you need to think "regular person", not reefkeeper.
i've already mentioned getting rid of the dogface puffer and replacing him with some simple shrimp and crabs.....he wasn't totallly opposed to it.