

Active Member
as a matter of fact, i'm going to install the tank at 3:00 today. i'll take plenty of pics.


Active Member
ok. so i don't have alot for you. we ran into a few obstacles when we pulled out the old tank.
first we drained alot of the water and i caught the fish. i had to drive home and get nets because he didn't have any.
i put them along with some of the rock in a bin with a powerhead and a heater.
it's a bit small, especially for his huge sailfin tang, but it was either that, or the 55 gallon drum. about the same amount of swimming room IMO.

then we removed the old tank which was caulked, and sheetrocked in the wall. the sheetrock was very damp and mildew ridden, and fell off the wall as we forced the tank out. we ended up putting a wooden block against the tank and hitting it with a sledge to get it out of the wall.
here is john, the gym owner, and his attitude when we got it out-

after that we went to home depot to pick up some plumbing parts to make the drains and realized that the threads on the bulkheads supplied with the tank were different than the home depot pvc plumbing threads. i don't know what is up with that, but i'm going to get the correct parts tomorrow.
we also had to saw holes for the bulkheads and return plumbing. it was a real PITA, as we had to remove the tank 3 times to get them right.
when we got the tank in the wall, we realized that it was an inch shallower than his old tank. that changed his mood instantly. no more thumbs up...
he's very much in a hurry to get this completed. i don't blame him. i would be too. the trouble is, i can't work around the clock on this system like i did mine(i get laid off in the winter, so i had all the time in the world) so i have to do it piecemeal, and it's slow going. especially with the issues, slowing it down.
oh well. tomorrow is another day.


Well-Known Member
it's progress!
Definitely watchin' this build.....looks like a fun project. Hard work to be sure, but still fun! And think about the bonus: you get a bit of money coming back to you for all your effort. If I had the opportunity to do something like this, I'd make the system as automated as possible to keep any "oopsies" moments to a minimum. Good luck with the rebuild!


Active Member
ok. no pics (i'll take some tomorrow...promise!), but i got the tank all plumbed to the sump. it's ready to go.
i got a call earlier today from the gym owner telling me that huge tang(too big for a 150 IMO) was on it's side and gasping for air. i proceeded to tell him this might happen due to the majorly stressful situation we are putting these fish through. when i got there, the 8" tang was belly up.

the rest of the fish seem fine. i think it was simply that the tang was super stressed out.
so anyway, the tank is ready for water. i'll be filling it tomorrow, then buying live rock on wednesday.
again, i'll shoot a bunch of pics tomorrow and pics of the rock drilling wednesday.


Originally Posted by Mr_X
ok. no pics (i'll take some tomorrow...promise!), but i got the tank all plumbed to the sump. it's ready to go.
i got a call earlier today from the gym owner telling me that huge tang(too big for a 150 IMO) was on it's side and gasping for air. i proceeded to tell him this might happen due to the majorly stressful situation we are putting these fish through. when i got there, the 8" tang was belly up.

the rest of the fish seem fine. i think it was simply that the tang was super stressed out.
so anyway, the tank is ready for water. i'll be filling it tomorrow, then buying live rock on wednesday.
again, i'll shoot a bunch of pics tomorrow and pics of the rock drilling wednesday.

Well, at least you don't have to worry about having a tang that is too big for the tank. Now you can make the tank less open as well if you want. I'm not saying that this was a good thing, but you have to look for a bright side.


Active Member
cool project u got going..when the tank is up and running and good for corals and such..are u gonna hook him up with some frags..


Active Member
he knows it's on the web for you guys to see, but isn't interested in checking out the thread.
yes aquaguy, i'm going to put all of the "beginner crowd pleasers" in the tank- xenia, mushrooms, all easy stuff.
i agree about the giant tang keebler. i'm going to replace it, but i'm not sure with what. he also has a decent sized yellow tang. i'm probably going to give him a "dory". they should get along ok.
Just looked at those pics of the old tank. What an F'n mess he had. That sailfin was to big for the tank anyway. It would have nice to get store credit.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Mr_X
I'm going to put all of the "beginner crowd pleasers" in the tank- xenia, mushrooms, all easy stuff.......I'm probably going to give him a "dory". they should get along ok.
You know, with a 125 you could easily do the kid-pleaser "nemo" tank, the yellow tang, blue tang, false perc clown.... it'd be cute. I'm sure you've already thought aboout it, but every time I contemplate a blue tang I can't help but think of all the ich stories that crop up. Seems like if your tank had ich in it 10 years ago, somehow a blue tang is gonna catch it. Have you thought about an anemone as well? People seem to love them (at least people who come over to my place) and you could probably go with a cheap, hardy condy or something to just give some different visuals.
Sorry, every time I see a new tank thread I just have to chime in! As much as I love sitting back and enjoying my aquaria, I think building and setting them up was half the fun!!


We need more pics! I'm excited to see how this turns out. The last tank I set up was under similar conditions but not nearly as bad as this one. There was just 3 corals and 3 fish in a 235 but at least the people maintaining it had brains. Hard work but isn't it nice to spend other peoples money for a change?
Looks like your on the right track and doing a great job.


Active Member
ok. everything is done, except i have to make an eggcrate stand to raise up the skimmer, and one of the bulkheads is leaking slightly.
the water in the rubbermaid bin with the fish stunk like the sewer system in hell, and the coral beauty was the second to take a "dirt nap". i took all the rest of the fish to my house and all of them are in the 40 breeder, except the dogface puffer. he's in the sump (too many crabs in the 40). so, i just increased my bio load by a 4" yellow tang, a 3.5 inch maroon clown, and 3 large asst. damsels...and of course a dogface puffer.
the lighting over this tank is only 2 x 150 watt phoenix HQI, and maybe some actinics down the road. it's not going to support much. especially not an anemone. it's most likely going to be "suntan nemo" the maroon clown, the yellow tang, a "dori", and maybe an engineer goby and lawnmower blenny.
all softies and possibly a piece or 2 of lps. unless i can talk him into some lumenarcs and 250 watt halides.

water in and sump running-