ok. so i don't have alot for you. we ran into a few obstacles when we pulled out the old tank.
first we drained alot of the water and i caught the fish. i had to drive home and get nets because he didn't have any.
i put them along with some of the rock in a bin with a powerhead and a heater.
it's a bit small, especially for his huge sailfin tang, but it was either that, or the 55 gallon drum. about the same amount of swimming room IMO.
then we removed the old tank which was caulked, and sheetrocked in the wall. the sheetrock was very damp and mildew ridden, and fell off the wall as we forced the tank out. we ended up putting a wooden block against the tank and hitting it with a sledge to get it out of the wall.
here is john, the gym owner, and his attitude when we got it out-
after that we went to home depot to pick up some plumbing parts to make the drains and realized that the threads on the bulkheads supplied with the tank were different than the home depot pvc plumbing threads. i don't know what is up with that, but i'm going to get the correct parts tomorrow.
we also had to saw holes for the bulkheads and return plumbing. it was a real PITA, as we had to remove the tank 3 times to get them right.
when we got the tank in the wall, we realized that it was an inch shallower than his old tank. that changed his mood instantly. no more thumbs up...
he's very much in a hurry to get this completed. i don't blame him. i would be too. the trouble is, i can't work around the clock on this system like i did mine(i get laid off in the winter, so i had all the time in the world) so i have to do it piecemeal, and it's slow going. especially with the issues, slowing it down.
oh well. tomorrow is another day.