One time my friends and I were out in the Detroit River. There were about 8 of us, we had one boat and two jet-skis. Well I was on the boat and two of my friends were behind the boat jumping the wake. It wasn't good enough for me so I decided I was going to get on one of the skis and show everyone up. So I got on one, and went about a hundred feet in front of the boat. I gunned the ski back at the boat, hit about 55 mph, and nailed the wake about 2 ft off the back end of the boat. It launched me about 15 feet in the air. When I came down I hit my knee on the running board, and my face hit the steering wheel. I was then launched about 30 feet from the ski, and I could only swim with one leg since my knee was no longer in operation. I finally reached the ski, blood pooring from my nose. I didn't do any damage, but this was by far the dumbest thing I have ever done. I probably increased my chances of dying that day 10 fold. Achohol did play a major role in the incident. Haven't touched a jet ski since that day, I was about 20.