substitution for suction cups?


Active Member
btw, i am now wondering how well the one magnet in the middle is going to work. I have a pump that pushes along the back of the tank, and i use the cradle on one of the sides of the pump, so will the pump start spinning? I'm thinking 2 smaller magnets (one on top and one on bottom of the cradle) will work better if they have the strength to go through the glass.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Marka1620
I was also wondering if the magnet would affect the powerjet's internal motor. Oh well, one way to find out. Let us know how it works Reno

yea, i'm going to wait before putting the rest on. bang guy had recommended these magnets so i'm hoping there's nothing going to happen to the pump.

jessi p

Ren I was wondering about the 1 pair vs 2 pair per PH also. That's part of the reason I waited to hear about your experience before ordering mine.


Active Member
np :) I'm glad i can be your guinea pig. I noticed you asking me about the magnets on that other person's thread was deleted so i figured i'd resurrect this one hehe.
sorry to whoever we highjacked btw.

jessi p

A lot of threads are closed and/or deleted around here. So do you have a final opinion on the magnets yet? Or is the jury still out? You used superglue, right?


Active Member
i superglued one of them so far. going to see how it does over the next couple days (to see if the motor is affected).
then i'll superglue the one that that goes on the side to see if it moves. I'll take pics of the next setup.


Active Member
well the end of the world didn't happen like i kept dreaming it was...
I kept on dreaming that my pump fell off the magnet and kept on spraying water over the side of my tank, onto my lights and power cords, and that my return pump kept on over heating, melting the acrylic and lighting everything on fire.
it wasn't a very restful night :(


Active Member
I dont' think you'll need two magnets these things are amazing you'll see. I also read somewhere why these magnets will NOT affect the motor in the ph and it sounded good. I'll try to dig it up.


Active Member
if you're talking about the post on magnets it is still there.
jes had asked me a question about the magnets on someone elses post that was off topic and i respect to that OP i think they deleted it. i've asked for posts that had nothing to do with my original post to be deleted so i think it was warranted.

jessi p

Sounds like a miserable night Ren. Glad to hear all is still well with the tank & magnets. See why I am waiting and so closely watching how your magnet saga goes? :)~


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
I dont' think you'll need two magnets these things are amazing you'll see. I also read somewhere why these magnets will NOT affect the motor in the ph and it sounded good. I'll try to dig it up.

i'd love to read that.