substitution for suction cups?

bang guy

Originally Posted by renogaw
heh, sorta glad i got my answers before the post went to a therapist's dream.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
thats my portrait in my avatar, so now if i can only find those nips....
don't worry, i'll find them!!


just silicone the power head to a mag float works great have done this to 7 maxi jets know and all have been working great foe 1 year now


Active Member
nice idea signman, but a) mag floats are overpriced magnets, and b) silicone is meant to adhese glass, not plastics...

jessi p

Ren please let me know how it works - I will wait to hear from you how your experiment is going before ordering mine.


not a nice idea but a great idea because they are sealed in plastic and won't harm the glass and are easy to move and you can super glue them! i have used both water safe epoxy and super glue just sand both sides. and you can get a mag float online for 8.99

d0 thy d3w

so i guess im not stupid for actually thinking of supergluing my powerheds to the glass...but i think i might look into them magnets


If you do go the neodymuim magnet route. Make sure they are coated because uncoated will rust.
These magnets are incredible strong....don't confuse them with fridge magnets. Small magnets go a long way with their power. Depending how big you go, they can unexpectedly jump out of your hands and clash together.
Just be careful placing them on either side of the glass. If they catch you off guard and smash the glass, I wouldnt be surprised if it could shattered the glass.
Here is a link with coated magnets and the give the power rating in pounds for a single magnet. Two magnets together would essentially double the poundage.


Active Member
i got in the magnets today. odd thing is they shipped on the 17th... i don't know how they got from Oregon to Ct in a day.
they come with 2 rubber washers inbetween them, but OMG were they strong. I put superglue in the middle of the cradle where the suction cups go, and put one magnet there. On the outside, i put a rubber washer along the glass and the other magnet. INSANELY strong even through 1/2" glass. I'm now wondering if the magnet is going to cause an issue with the maxijet motor...


I was also wondering if the magnet would affect the powerjet's internal motor. Oh well, one way to find out. Let us know how it works Reno