Successful Collecting Trip


Just got home from a successful collecting trip south. Totals for the trip are 4 sharpnoses, a bonnet, and a black nose. Here's a pic of one of the sharks:


I had to create a new group because I have been unable to log into my old site. The new site's address is
New Address
There is also a link at the old site to the new one!


As of now I am not selling any. I hope to have some pics of each type of shark caught up in a day or two but until then here is a pic of the portable tank (wading pool ) I kept the sharks in while vacationing:


I was in the Charleston, South Carolina area. The state of South Carolina has no size restrictions on either the sharpnose or the bonnethead and I had purchased a special permit to catch the black nose for educational purposes since I have local schools that come and visit the pool regularly. I also caught more Atlantic black tips then I could have ever wanted but they have a 54 inch size limit and do not always do well in transport. The BT were all about 10 to 12 inches and cute as all heck. There was one guitarfish caught that was interesting looking but a bit too big with all the other sharks I had already caught. I am planning at having more pics up at my site by tomorrow night so stop by and check them out.


Mattie my question is about your methods. I fish for sharks in tournaments and the smallest fish Ive ever seen ,let alone catch was a mako pup that was maybe 30 inches. He was in my slick for a long time and took the baits twice, both times released. Where do you go to get such small specimans and what methods do you use. I have gotten plenty of dogfish locally when baitfishing inshore but I think yourre getting some more exotic species than these . Thanks Peter


Active Member
Well howdy everyone! I had to take a little hiatus due to a bad internet connection. I see the trip finally went thruogh OK ? Those are some really good looking animals.


There really isn't much to my methods for catching the smaller sharks. I just use smaller hooks and the right location is all that makes the difference. I went to South Carolina due to it being the top pupping grounds for both the bonnetheads and sharpnoses, there is no state size minimum for these sharks, and because they are easily caught from inshore locations. I used fresh netted bait and was just at the right place at the right time. As to the permit, since I am a former employee of the New Jersey Aquarium, I have contacts that I've dealt with before and was able to show the animals will not be used for commercial purposes. I was granted, at considerable cost, a limited permit to collect one undersized animal that is not on any restricted list. Since the black nose is fairly common in SC waters and averages about five feet that was the shark I choose to target. I was lucky to hire a local charter captain that knew the waters well and was able to put me on sharks the entire trip. I will be finding a home for one of the sharpnoses as I have two Pacific black tip reef sharks coming in a week that were suppose to have been delivered a few weeks ago. With getting caught up at work I hope to have many more pics up by tomorrow.


mattie- so you said you are finding a new home for one of the atlantic sharpnoses. maybe i can help you out on that. or do u already have a buyer?


I would like to buy a sharpnose for my 2700 gallon aquarium the size is 15'x5.5'x4.5' it is an race way system
email @ dockin1@aol thanks m stalter