Suggestions on fish for an aggressive 55gal


I was wondering if anyone could give me some ideas on that to put in my 55gal aggressive tank. I already have a snow flake eel. I would like to get a niger trigger. Does anyone have any ideas for me?


Active Member
the niger tirggers will need a bigger tank. Agressive fish are limited with a smaller tank.
You can get some types of lions, like the dwarf species, a fun manchu, antenna, and some others.
some of the sharpe nose puffers like a vallentini or a hawaian blue, or even a spotted
i have a valentini and a snowflake eel and i love them both
maybe a large maroon or tomato clown?
let us know how it turns out.


Active Member
skip the triggers I baught a niger triger for my 125 he ate his way through the acclimation bag within a min of being in the tank went after lion accually sucked him up and spit him out whole he leaves my lion alone now lol.your snowflake will do ok with lions just about anything that isnt completly anoying.i can give you alist of what i have now in my 125 but remember my tank is larger but my fish are also huge.
10 in vol lion( eats like a pig)
spiney boxfish puffer(makes a mess when eating like a pig)
black moray eel(very agressive eater)
large silver scat(eats anything food wise)
large panther grouper(eats constantly)
bi colored foxface(nicer peaceful fish)herbavour
niger trigger(smaller)highly agressive fish
large engeneer goby (cleans the substrate)
striped damsel (hes a damsel not much more to say)
i think thats it lol


Originally Posted by unleashed
skip the triggers I baught a niger triger for my 125 he ate his way through the acclimation bag within a min of being in the tank went after lion accually sucked him up and spit him out whole he leaves my lion alone now lol.your snowflake will do ok with lions just about anything that isnt completly anoying.i can give you alist of what i have now in my 125 but remember my tank is larger but my fish are also huge.
10 in vol lion( eats like a pig)
spiney boxfish puffer(makes a mess when eating like a pig)
black moray eel(very agressive eater)
large silver scat(eats anything food wise)
large panther grouper(eats constantly)
bi colored foxface(nicer peaceful fish)herbavour
niger trigger(smaller)highly agressive fish
large engeneer goby (cleans the substrate)
striped damsel (hes a damsel not much more to say)
i think thats it lol
NIce Stock bro. Cept the Lion should eat the freaking Damsel..hehe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by IrishSalt
NIce Stock bro. Cept the Lion should eat the freaking Damsel..hehe.
lol he ate the other one i had lol


Originally Posted by unleashed
lol he ate the other one i had lol
Lol man, I really can't stand Damsels bro and I love LionFish man. Even if your LIonFish just sits on rock all day and then east EVERYTHING he can fit in his mouth when the Lunar LEds come on..hehe.


New Member
I have a niger trigger--most beautiful fish I have. He swims through the water like a bat. he is about 4 inches so he is small but I haven't seen him being aggressive yet. In fact my blenny who is smaller will chase the trigger away from his area of rocks. I have a lot of rocks in my tank and my trigger will slip into a small crevice and lock himself there for the night. I can talk to him and he will come to the front of the tank to visit me. I hope that he stays this docile but I hear that they can suddendly become aggressive. I have him with other semi-aggressive fish.


Active Member
from what I have read they can be just fine for months and just out of the blue attack and kill everything.this was more so for the huma trigger like the one i just put into my 90 lol.and man I like my damsels lol I have to have one for all of my tanks .i.know its hard to figure out what fish you want in each tank Im on my 5th tank now just finished setting up #4 still trying to decide what to put into that and what damsel too way is to find a site that has a compatabitly chart find a fish you like start with your fav fish the one you just have to have then find what is compatible by that.thats how i stock mine .that way you dont end up with issues of who to get rid of becuse it should have been there with the others to begin with.


Active Member
oh yeh one more you might like for a smaller tank the green wolf eel.I have one in my reef tank hes very active unlike the snowflakes but not a pest type fish he sint accually an eel hes accually psudochromis they get to be about 18 inches veryhearty fish
here is my photo album you can look at some of the species i have in both set ups will give you an idea maybe of what you like..........


Thanks for all for help. Since i already have the snow flake eel, i think i will stick with him. I do like the loin fish. So maybe the niger trigger, SFE, and loin fish a some kinda goby for color. What you guys think of that?

kart racer

I am not an expert by no means( only had aggressive fish for about 6 months) but I think a dwarf lion would be ok with the eel but just be prepared for the niger trigger to get BIG. I dont know about the goby so I will let someone else answer that. My initial thought though is that a goby may turn to food for a lion fish or trigger fish. I know my niger is not too docile.


what could i add to the tank that could either add color or help with clean up. I know the eel will eat nails.


Active Member
you can keep snail and hermits as cleaners for your tank.snow flake eels are very dosile eels the foxface is one of my favs for adding color and they help big time when it comes to algae control if purched large enough to not fit into the mouths of others they do nicely.caution with this fish they are are all rabbit fish.some wrasses have brite colors also.and some angels do well so I have read .just check you compatbilty charts before purchasing any fish.


Active Member
Reading about your niger trigger and lion made me laugh so hard! :) ....i can only wonder what i would do if my niger ate through his bag, and my lion ate him and spit him! im still laughing, but i think you have an over aggressive niger, because mine is pretty mellow....he doesn't bug much of anything. i just put a box fish in my tank and he went after him for about 10 minutes, i mixed the rocks up and he stopped buging the boxfish.
in my aggressive 55 i have
V lion
Niger Trigger
Hawk Fish
Koran Angel
Cream Angel
Yellow tang
Box Fish
now keep in mind my fish were small when i got the tank, and im literaly setting up my 125 gallon today because it has become time to upgrade. So to all who read this people are not joking, these fish get big and NEED more space. just because your levels are fine does not mean your fish are! ...they love room to play!


Originally Posted by unleashed
skip the triggers I baught a niger triger for my 125 he ate his way through the acclimation bag within a min of being in the tank went after lion accually sucked him up and spit him out whole he leaves my lion alone now lol.your snowflake will do ok with lions just about anything that isnt completly anoying.i can give you alist of what i have now in my 125 but remember my tank is larger but my fish are also huge.
10 in vol lion( eats like a pig)
spiney boxfish puffer(makes a mess when eating like a pig)
black moray eel(very agressive eater)
large silver scat(eats anything food wise)
large panther grouper(eats constantly)
bi colored foxface(nicer peaceful fish)herbavour
niger trigger(smaller)highly agressive fish
large engeneer goby (cleans the substrate)
striped damsel (hes a damsel not much more to say)
i think thats it lol
I love lions and panther groupers. Had em both myself.


Active Member
i just wish my lion would eat that niger I cant catch him to put him into a dif tank and he killed my engeneerr goby grrrrrrrrr


Great thread guys,
THe Reality of AGressive FIsh: They're agressive and most will eat anything they can fit in their f'in!!!!! They AREN'T happy-go-lucky *pretty* fish like Yellow Tangs that cruise all day for Algea. They want a MEATY meal and they're full of fish testosterone....period.
I've had many a Triggers over the years. They're awesome but the teeth alone should be a realtive indication to newbies that fish of equal or greater stature and nothing else should go in the tank. I've had Triggers in a 140g. that Ate their way into a bag of *feeding* fish(Rosies) after the I floated the bag for 15 but serious. Any agressive fish that has razor sharp teeth should be treated with Smarts and
I persoanlly feel that a 55g. Aggressive tank is a waste of time in the grand scale. Even then, I wouldn't want ANY member of this or any other forum to relegate their choices in fish to my opinons/experience or that of anyone else. Be a *Renegade* that goes outside the median belief/s but don't complain when your lil fish get
Right now I have a very Juvy Volitan Lion in my 29g. Tank. OMG where are the Lion police?lol. He's going into my 125, That I'm cycling as I type. Lions are awesome....period. They might sit on a rock all day and then go crazy(active swimming for a lazy swimmer) when the lights go off.
If you wanna get into AGressive fish, You need to live with the reality that you can't have all those pretty lil fish in the tank and you might be fronting a large food bill.
Unleashed- I would pay good money to c your Lion eat that F'in Niger in real time bro....lmao but serious as a heartattack. I love NIger Triggers but Lions are the Kings....period. They might be Lazy swimmers but they're very intelligent IME and damn good looking.
My juvy Volitan has already gone through his far share of expensive *live* food in just two weeks. THe Live food bill on Full grown Tank kept Lions, Foooogetaboutit..hehe.


Active Member
the sucky part about my niger killing my engeneer was that my goby was 11 inches long and my niger is like 3 lol.when it comes to my lion oh yes i totally agree he is the king.I havent measured him as of yet but id say hes close to 11 inches long now.on ohh yeh my fish food bill is phenominal but to me they are worth every cent.
this is a list of what buy to keep my fish alive
I alternate food types on a daily basis so they dont tend to be to picky they eat everything right away
fresh shrimp frozen
squid frozen
crab legs raw for my spiney boxfish puffer .these I buy when i run out
emerald entrese
veggie flakes
seaweed sheets all 3 type brown red and green
fresh micro algae and kelp
black mollies 50 at a time last about 1 day 2 times per month .-89 each
marine zoe suppliment I soak frozen foods in before feeding 3 times per week
extreme garlic all feedings daily.
I swear they eat better than i do lol. and this list is just the food part.but with all this raw food going into my tanks i have to keep up on my weekly water far to any of my lions i lost 1 damsel.and that was because I miss one day of feeding .my fish are pigs lol