Suitable Tang for 30 gal?


All i've read on here is how Tangs arent suitable for tanks smaller then 48". I have a 36" 30 gallon and would like to be able to have a tang. Are there any that don't grow as large as most and would be happy in a 36" tank?? Thanks!!:happyfish


You can also consider a Coral Beauty Angel. Butterflys would not be good unless you plan on moving it to a bigger tank.


You might be able to get by with a kole or yellow tang. I wouldent try any of the others though because they get to big. Its perfered to have a 55 gallon or larger but with extra care it could work.


Active Member

Originally posted by Aaron1983
You might be able to get by with a kole or yellow tang. I wouldent try any of the others though because they get to big. Its perfered to have a 55 gallon or larger but with extra care it could work.

dont take his advise.. No tangs shuold be in a 30 gallon tank period!


Active Member
go with a dwarf angle. You can get a coral bueaty. A flame angle is pushing it b/c they really need a 55 gallon but can do in a 30 gallon.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
Not kidding... he's just trolling. Please ignore him.

Don't feed the trolls, if you do, they multiply. :)


Ok first off I dident say go out and buy a tang! I just said you might be able to get by with a kole or yellow. (notice the MIGHT) I also said they perfer a larger tank if you even read past the it might work part. So dont start attacking me for what I said because thats uncalled for. This is one thing I hate about these forums. knowmatter what you say someone is ready to attack you for it.


Active Member
What do u mean maybe? He cant period. They need a 75 gallon or larger. If its 1'' they still need a 75 gallon. Sorry you feel that way but dont lead people the wrong way. Im not here to make people fell bad. Im here to help.


Yea andrew, funny u laugh, U just happen to be a troll hybrid. Not quite a troll, but not quite an aquarist. Ur kinda inbetween, but equally annoying. Now, actually, a kole tang MAY be able to floruish in a 30 gallon tank given that it is given ample space to swim in. If it is a 30 gallon long, u could probably pull it off, that is, until it moves to a bigger tank. But persoanlly i wouldnt do it, and never a yellow tang. U have no right to yell at people for giving bad advice either, cuz i rarely, and i emphasize RARELY, EVER see u give any good advice.