Sump Evaporation


Take a look at this sump. In which chamber(s) would evaporation take place? I'm using it as a design template, only the return pump would be in the center and the refugium on the right.


Originally Posted by jackri
It should take place in the return chamber -- which looks like the right side?
I would be switching the return and the refugium, so the return would be in the center.


Active Member
it doesnt matter where you put what it will always evaporate in thereturn section because that is where the water is drawn lower.


Just curious, why would you put the refugium on the right and the return pump in the middle? Are you having overflow come from the right or from both ways and meeting in the middle?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ryancw01
Just curious, why would you put the refugium on the right and the return pump in the middle? Are you having overflow come from the right or from both ways and meeting in the middle?
Some prefer it that way, personally I like all my water flow going through my cheato section after the skimmer as I feel the max nutrients get pulled out this way.
Personal preference and a lot of different things work for different people.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442
it doesnt matter where you put what it will always evaporate in thereturn section because that is where the water is drawn lower.
IMO not exactly true if your influent gph was greater then your return pump gph you would see evaporation in your influent chamber


Active Member
how could the influent chamber take more water than the pump puts out?
wont it fill up at the same rate as the pump?
if it took more the sump would overflow.
the fuge and skimmer sections are always at the same level due to the baffles and that is where the dt drains so the only place the water will go down is the pump section.
obviously the dt and all the sump evaporates water but it is the return section that lowers.


Actually in my skimmer section the water level is high, then it goes down to the fuge which is the same level as return section.


Active Member
then your skimmer section baffle has to be higher than the other two sections .
the fuge and return section can be level if there is eneough top off water in the system.
when you leave it for a few days what section lowers?
i actually meant if the sump baffles were all the same height.
my last tank i had a 20 gallon tote as a fuge that drained by bulkheads into the sump.
so i know what you mean.


The skimmer section (left) is higher
Attachment 222372
The fuge (ctr) and return side (right) are where the water evaps...If I left it for a couple of would probably be empty

I add 2-3 gallons a day it seems


I have that same sump on my 90 the only evap is the last chamber where the pump is. On my 90 i evap 1 gal to 2 gal every 3 or 4 days. I love the design of this sump due to the constant water level in the first chamber for the skimmer. I have another sump made by another well known maker and the first chamber fluxes and cause my skimmer to be a PIA to keep set.


Originally Posted by Kanima
I have that same sump on my 90 the only evap is the last chamber where the pump is. On my 90 i evap 1 gal to 2 gal every 3 or 4 days. I love the design of this sump due to the constant water level in the first chamber for the skimmer. I have another sump made by another well known maker and the first chamber fluxes and cause my skimmer to be a PIA to keep set.
If you have the same one I do then the water level in the center, and the water level on the right stay the if it gets lower both parts do


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
IMO not exactly true if your influent gph was greater then your return pump gph you would see evaporation in your influent chamber
I have to say Joe you lost me with this one, thought I knew what you were talking about for a second then I lost it


im kinda lost here.
my sump level stays the same in all 3 chambers at all times. it's a oceanic 30g. i added a baffel to seperate the inflow side and the center section.