Sump purchase?


Hrm... so i can stick my skimmer down there, would i lose some of the micro bubbles you think? Like my tank is pretty good as it is. I have a magnum 350 which cleans up to 100 gal so, do you think it would be a good investment? My tank is pretty clean and all....well, my sand gets dirty often. Tell me whatcha think.
Thanks again for all the help,


the key to keeping your sand clean... snails. I like Ilyanassa snails.
the sump/fuge should help with the micro bubbles. I had my skimmer located in the first chamber. so the bubbles had cheato and the bubble trap to get through before it reached my display tank.
If you have algae eating fish you can grow algae in your fuge and use it as food for those fish.
I personally will never have a tank without one.


Yeah, i have two very small tangs. I can fed them the stuff i grow, huh. Well thats cool. I have a lighting hood from a previous 10 gal. So all i really need is an tank, the 3 pre cut glass, plexiglass, overflow and a mag. What exactally is the plexiglass for?


your 3 pieces of glass are the bubble trap between the fuge and return chamber. the plexiglass is for between the skimmer (intake) chamber and the fuge. I used plexiglass because it needs 3 or 4 holes drilled in it, and i wasnt into drilling glass.


Active Member
silicone will not hold plexi
you must use glass to glass for silicone to work. Or use all acrylic and use weld on to bond it.


Ok i'm going to go over the pm'd thread you messaged me to se how to set it up. I'll get bach to you with any questions!


joncat, the silicone does work. It doesnt bond, but more like creates a wedge for the plexiglass to sit in. Since that piece has holes drilled in it, it doesnt create enough surface pressure against the plexiglass to pull it out of the silicone. I have used this on at least two setup without any problems.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cj7eagle
joncat, the silicone does work. It doesnt bond, but more like creates a wedge for the plexiglass to sit in. Since that piece has holes drilled in it, it doesnt create enough surface pressure against the plexiglass to pull it out of the silicone. I have used this on at least two setup without any problems.
I see what you are saying....
I was just letting him know, just in case he didnt already.


Sorry, Joncat/Cj7eagle...I dont really understand much of anything about the plexiglass, silicone, and such. I will look for a step-by-step on google or something on how to put it together.


Active Member
actually, I think the pump and the hob overflow will be quite a bit, It will take some shopping to get that by its self under 100.
Don't forget to take the length of the sump into consideration when choosing a pump. Don't ask me how to figure it out, cuz I haven't.


Originally Posted by joncat24
I see what you are saying....
I was just letting him know, just in case he didnt already.
no worries jon, its the reason i didnt use plexiglass for the whole setup.
Originally Posted by newbieABC

Please excuse my ignorance. Could you clariffy my pic question.

yep you got it right.


So the pre-cut glass is for bubble traps but whats the plexiglass for, and i belive you said something about drilling holes?


the plexiglass is used to seperate your fuge from your skimmer chamber. It holds the sand in, and right above the sand level, i have three or four, 3/4" holes drilled for the water to pass through from the skimmer chamber to the fuge.


So if an overflow is used how do you determine the return pump size, also is there an alternative to the overflow? Maybe sending the return pump from the sump through the refugium enroute back to the tank. Even tehn how do you make sure it gets the same water flow in as it pumps out? I already have a nice sump that i do not want to change or replace.