sun coral


Active Member
since we have had so much luck inkeeping this coral i went out and bought another one tonight. IMO this is the most beautiful coral in the hobby. with proper special care its rather hardy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by testieone
Yours is beautiful. What is your secret 'special care' that you spoke of?

its not really a secret. all i do is i take a heavy cup. drill holes in the top, i place the cup over the sun coral and squirt food into on of the holes. i leave the cup there for a few hours and the remove it. i do this about three times a week while the polyps are open.
the reason for this is it allows me to have a large amount of food directly around the coral without having to put a large amount of food in the entire system.


Active Member
i do love sun corals, i just dont want to have to feed my system too much. whhat are you feeding it? phyto? i didnt know they could digest phyto?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
i do love sun corals, i just dont want to have to feed my system too much. whhat are you feeding it? phyto? i didnt know they could digest phyto?

I use cyclopeez. Phyto is too small.
BTWS the reason for the above feeding method is for the exact reason you mentioned.
Sun coral need one thing other then good water to live and that is high concentrations of food to EACH polyp in order to thrive. To reach this level of food you would have to dose HUGE amounts of food into your tank. This of course would be very bad for your bio load not to mention expensive.
With the method I described in the above post you can achieve this high level of food directly around the coral with only a small amount of food. The end result is a very happy coral. A happy wallet and a happy tank.
You DO NOT have to put this coral in low light. It does not mater where you put it. It could give a rats azs about light. It gains nothing from it nor is it bothered by it.
You need good flow on this coral to keep it from being over come by algae. This is one of the reasons it grows in dark places on the reefs is to keep the algae( which do need light) away. Also light needing corals grow much faster and it would be quickly over run while trying to compete for food out on the reefs. Under over hangs and in the dark give the coral the perfect “natural environment to thrive. However in our reefs as long as we provide them with proper feeding they can be placed any place you wish.
The coral in the above picture is fully open and almost directly under a 400 watt MH. This pic was about 2 min into a feeding.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oceana
I use cyclopeez. Phyto is too small.
BTWS the reason for the above feeding method is for the exact reason you mentioned.
Sun coral need one thing other then good water to live and that is high concentrations of food to EACH polyp in order to thrive. To reach this level of food you would have to dose HUGE amounts of food into your tank. This of course would be very bad for your bio load not to mention expensive.
With the method I described in the above post you can achieve this high level of food directly around the coral with only a small amount of food. The end result is a very happy coral. A happy wallet and a happy tank.
ohhhh okay, you said you injected it through the hole so i assumed you were feeding something like phyto. but yes, cyclopleese should be the right size. and yeah, i know the cup method, i jsut dont like feeding my tank. although i must admit, i probably would get one if my LFS ever had a nice one. they just feed marine snow. so noen of them every look open. yours looks great though!


Active Member
Oh I love that! I wanted one but was steered away from it because of the feeding. But your method sounds wonderful. Stupid question here I guess - what kind of cup are you using? Is it a plastic cup or a glass drilled coffee type cup??


Active Member
Originally Posted by milomlo
Oh I love that! I wanted one but was steered away from it because of the feeding. But your method sounds wonderful. Stupid question here I guess - what kind of cup are you using? Is it a plastic cup or a glass drilled coffee type cup??
just a regular old plastic tumbler type cup. i used the think plastic one so that it would sink.
some of the lighter ones float off on ya. a rock on top of the top will help with that


Active Member
Originally Posted by milomlo
so you say they don't care about light so will my 130 watts of pc in a 29 gallon be ok?
its nonphotosynthetic. as long as you keep it fed, then that lighting is fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by milomlo
so you say they don't care about light so will my 130 watts of pc in a 29 gallon be ok?

you could have a flash light over your tank and it would be good enough


I do something simular, When the polyps are extended I thaw out a cube of mysid shrimp into a cup. Then take something like a 5ml medicine droppper and feed each polyp, Then I cover with the bottom of 2 liter bottle. I cover it to keep fish and shrimp from coming and picking the food out, And I can see through the two liter bottle to know when its ready for another round.


it's a nocternal feeder and if you got it from your lfs it opens at specific times because of feeding paterns of the store. but as to why others open all the time it depends on placement and water quality.


Active Member
Wow, that is BEAUTIFUL.. All the pictures I have seen before were closed. How large do they get? I would like to eventually get one for my tank but I worry that it will get to big to cover with a cup for feeding....


Originally Posted by PROWAKE
why does my corals tenecals never come out.
How long have u had yours in your tank?