Sunday 12 pack


Well I hope you liked them. We are currently working on getting a larger tank and I can't wait. I'm so excited.


Thanks NM this tank is my baby. My intire family has become to love it. And I got my mother-in-law back into tanks and she has a very pretty 120. We were saving for a 180 but there is a local guy with a 250 for the tank and stand 600.00 so I think when we get back from our vacation we are going to go with that deal. Of course I love the thought of more coral room and my fish will be happy. who needs a place to sit in the living room anyway. :D


Active Member
Sweet tank!! I hope the deal with the 250g. works out for you because that would be awesome, when you get it and set it up post some pics of it and your filtration please.


Staff member
JLM, now that is a nice looking bowfront. I have a 72 myself. What lights did you get to fit into that bowfront.
Your leather is awesome. I lost mine for some unknown reason.


Flatzboy and Beth, Thanks for the compliments. Ive seen your tank Beth and just love it. I have my hood hanging from the ceiling. I thought I would hate it but I love it like that. So easy to get to everything and no heat problems. It's a dual 250w 10k ushio mh, and dual 96w 03's pcs. With a biult in fan blowing air through the hood from one side to the other. I just recently put my lights on digital timers and I love it. My actinics come on at 9:30 am then the mh come on at 10:30 am and mh go off at 8:00pm then actinics at 9:00 pm and finally the moonlight comes on at 9:30 and goes off at 4:00am.


Number 8 is a cabbage leather that I just got a few weeks ago. it needs alittle tlc. And right now it is shedding so it looks pretty sad.