sunday afternoon 13 pack


hey murph i know old thread but I just picked up my mh's yesterday cant wait to set them up! 250de hqi reefstar pendants 14k phoneix bulbs!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scarface
hey murph i know old thread but I just picked up my mh's yesterday cant wait to set them up! 250de hqi reefstar pendants 14k phoneix bulbs!
ive got the same light over my 30 gallon and it works great. good choice


Active Member
as of right now pretty decent i had an issue with the salt i was using before it was high in borate which falsifies ur true Alk readins on ur alk test kit so my alk was testing at 8 and in realtiy it was more like 6dkh... so that screwed with my acros for a while and i lost some due to that but now i switched salts and am back on track....
heres a before and after of my valida coral in like 6 months

so u can see its doin pretty good now....
heres a lil wild acro i got about 6 months back and then a pic of it now its turning into a table coral



awesome growth for six months can you post a close up of that clam in the center. Do you give credit to the calcium reactor or the lights 14k for the growth? Sorry about all the questions but I am trying to convince myself about a clac reactor.


Active Member
hey squishy as far as growth with sps is concerned if ur goin with a bigger tank id say larger than 75G u really do want a CA reactor so much more easier and safer than dosing or dripping IMO....
the litghts help too ive seen a bigger growth spurt using the phoenix 14ks versus the helios 20k's
thanks fanker!


Active Member
thanks alot joncat im tryin to get alot of various colors in the tank
hey squishy heres the clam its a squamosa and grows so fast


Murph...I read another post that mentioned your tank and now I see why...just beautiful man! I'm just getting started (65g FOWLR) but seeing your tank makes me want to turn mine into a reef tank. Really...very nice!


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
whats not fair scarface??
ill tell u whats not fair!! this darn hobby and its beating its done to my wallet!!!
lol now thats not fair!
heres one of the lion but hes not feelin too photogenic today he keeps runnin away from me today

how big is that dwarf? how large do they get? are they all that nice looking? Ive seen pics of him before but, Im curoius about the 411 on this little guy.


Active Member
murph...this is a beautiful tank....what is the big orange thing in the upper it an anenome?


Active Member
wow this is old i see even more growth these days now that ur showing this thread
estein02 im glad u like and wanna do reef its fun and can be very rewarding
hey shrimpi ive got the yellow variation harder to find but its about 3" long and yes its better lookin in person
hey sleasia yes thats the RBTA but not very bubbly
heres some updated pics

my newest fish

and a center shot


Active Member
compare in 7 months from this

to this

you can see alot of growth in certain acro corals for sure...
especially the tabling one lower left center yellow, the center purple valida by the clam and some of the other stags.... what a difference 7 months makes

clown boy

Active Member
Wow, where did this thread come from? I can still remember when it was started... It has come out of the deepest vault... the darkest cavern... Nice tank!!!