Superbowl CRAP GAME


Ok I am from seattle and know i am very biased toward the hawks winning, IT was a good game but i think that the refs were against us the whole game. The touchdown of rothensburg(sp?) should have not even been counted as a goal. then stupid penaltys such as the block by haselbeck. bthe steelers did win and good for them but one play could have changed that game in favor of seattle.
What does anyone else think?????
leon c


Active Member
No offense but seattle didn't deserve to win the game. Their clock management at the end of the half was atrocious. That could have changed the game by itself. No one played great. The calls did not change this game.


Active Member
I thought it was an exceptional game.
The Seahawks were playing good, at the start and were doing a good job of stopping Pittsburgs running game. Then, it all went down the crapper and Pittsburg looked like a different team.
Rothenburgs touch down was controversial, but after watching the replays over and over, you could clearly see that the ball was partly over the line...and, the rules say that as long as even PART of the ball is over the line, it matter if it's only a few inches or not.
The Seahawks jerked around and mismanaged their time and that was the end of it. They went downhill after that.
I can honestly say, I had no clue who was playing in the game tonight, before I asked my uncle. I havent watched football all season...but, that was a good game.


Originally Posted by peonleon2
Ok I am from seattle and know i am very biased toward the hawks winning, IT was a good game but i think that the refs were against us the whole game. The touchdown of rothensburg(sp?) should have not even been counted as a goal. then stupid penaltys such as the block by haselbeck. bthe steelers did win and good for them but one play could have changed that game in favor of seattle.
What does anyone else think?????
leon c

Well Being from PITTSBURGH - I do think that one touchdown was a bad call (although depending on the angel shown the point of the ball was over the line and that is considered a touchdown - only the point needs to be over - BUT that is the rule of the game there is no challenges after the 2min warning - but the fact remains even without that 7 points - the Steelers would have still won!
This town is still partying! WHOOOO HOOOOO Steelers! and the Bus goes out on top!


Well how bad was that offensive pass interference call, that was the worst call i have ever seen, let alone in the biggest game of the nfl, i dont like either team but imo the seahawks deserved it, the refs need free eye tests and thats all i can say. The hawks clearly played a better game but came up short because of very bad calls. Big ben had a terrible game and so did Bettis, Ward and Parker were the key players in the game, end note, the hawks were robbed.


Active Member
seahawks had many chances that they just blew themselfs, their own fault, not the refs., missed feildgoals, alot of dropped passes, nice passes but out of bounds, bad game managment, ect. Their defence played well but the offence didnt. Not well enough.


Active Member
i dont know if you can call it robbed when theres a point spread like that ???? all the replays of ref calls justified the call in my eyes. dont forget your watching this game on a t.v. where a ref is a few yards if that from the play. i dont cheer for any team i just watch and cheer for great plays.


I was totally unbiased, and didn't care who won. But the officiating was horrible, and one sided. The offesive pass interference call, the phantom holding call on a defensive end for Pitt that was clearly off sides. The bad block/tackle call on Matt. The orginal recall of the fumble from Hasselbeck. The touchdown by Big Ben. One or two maybe, but the officials clearly got too involved on the side of Pitt.


Active Member
The Stelers made the plays and adjustments to win the game. The Seahawks coaching staff should be the ones to blame b/c of a poor miss managed game. The hawks had there chances. The Hawks had them on there heels the first 2 quarters and couldn't score. The Steelers stayed with what has worked for them during the playoffs and came out on top.
Steelers made the plays, Hawks didn't! Two questionable calls wouldn't have fixed all the dropped balls, poorly thrown passes, and 2 miised field goals. I don't think they gave Alexander the chance to do much of anything.
Congrtas to the Steelers! It was tough but, winning all the games they won on the road and in the places they had to win in. They deserve to win!


Originally Posted by TurningTim
The Stelers made the plays and adjustments to win the game. The Seahawks coaching staff should be the ones to blame b/c of a poor miss managed game. The hawks had there chances. The Hawks had them on there heels the first 2 quarters and couldn't score. The Steelers stayed with what has worked for them during the playoffs and came out on top.
Steelers made the plays, Hawks didn't! Two questionable calls wouldn't have fixed all the dropped balls, poorly thrown passes, and 2 miised field goals. I don't think they gave Alexander the chance to do much of anything.
Congrtas to the Steelers! It was tough but, winning all the games they won on the road and in the places they had to win in. They deserve to win!

They weren't just questionable calls they were game changing calls. 14 point changing calls, and last I looked the score was 21 - 10. These were momentum chaning calls, these are times that the officials should only call when they are blatent and unquestionable.


Originally Posted by rhomer
They weren't just questionable calls they were game changing calls. 14 point changing calls, and last I looked the score was 21 - 10. These were momentum chaning calls, these are times that the officials should only call when they are blatent and unquestionable.


third that! Only one angle from behind showed the ball a hair over and I think that was from the angle of the camera, all other angles clearly showed that ball didnt cross the white line. Hawks did miss some opportunities though. Seemed the ref's were one sided to me.


Congrats to Steelers fans... but Seahawks fans I feel for you...between missing those two fieldgoals to that stupid pass interference call (should have been a t.d imo) to that lousy call for rothenberg's td....his body was down outside the goal line before the ball was anywhere near being inside the endzone... to the other bad calls from the refs. Being from boston though, it kinda works out better that the steelers won, cuz next year you guys will have a lousy schedule.


Active Member
If Stevens didn't drop 3 great passes.......
If Hasselbeck could have kept 2 passes inbounds for the reciever to catch.......
If they gave Alexander the chance to do what he has been doing all season.......
If the kicker didn't miss 2 field goals.......
If the coaching staff would have managed the clock better........
If they could/should have tackled Parker rather than having him run for 76 yards.........
If the reciever didn't use his hands right in front of the ref on a scramble/broken play.......
If you can't over come 2 BAD calls then you don't win the game.........
Besides the Steelers would have at least gotten 3 pts on the Roethlisberger TD.........
Lots of IFs.............
Again Steelers made the plays to WIN! Hawks Didn't!


"If the reciever didn't use his hands right in front of the ref on a scramble/broken play......." its called contact and its allowed, plus please dont start argueing about this situation bc everyone in america knows that the refs were on the steelers side. not really but everyone that watched the game.


Yeah I watched that game and didn't care who won. Roethlesburger clearly had the touchdown. If you brake that invisible wall with the ball it's a touchdown. The officals reviewed it since it was under 2 min. They reviewed it and it was a touchdown you can't argue with that. Just be happy seattle even made it to the superbowl for the first time EVER. The bus went out on top and that's ok seattle could come back next year and the steelers won't have the bus either. It was all in all a good game I thought seattle was doing way good at first. They were stoppin pitsburgh on everything they tried. It just didn't work out.


Active Member
Just a couple points on this issue... and I should say that I'm not a huge fan of either team.
First, the offensive pass interference was a legitimate call... the receiver clearly used his arms to push the defender away and create space. Even if you think it was minor, or a ticky tack call, you can't argue that the ref. could call what he saw clearly.
Second, whether you think the td was in or not, there was not enough evidence to overturn the call on the field. The presumption goes to that call and it was close enough to let the call stand. Just the fact that some think the ball broke the line and some disagree shows that the call was unclear either way. Some would have been unhappy regardless of which way the play was called.
Finally, there would be no crying about the officiating if the seahawks made some plays... they blew it at the end of the half, they missed field goals, dropped balls and couldn't stop Pittsburgh's big plays. Pittsburgh deserved this win.


well it was a push off and thats allowed, i think steve young knows more about the game than you, and iam not saying that in a mean way.