Superman Monti.. Is it a good price?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
Look dont pay attention to what anyone else tells you. IF you like it enough to want to buy, then BUY IT. If it is something that you dont have to have, then dont get it. But either way, apparently you dont have anything like it now so having it will be a new and impressive addition.
I completely agree with you on the notion that you should buy something if you like it and end it at that. I am more than likely still going to buy it. My concern, however, falls in the area of propogation. When the time comes to frag, if it generates some interest (as I assume it will since it is a very nice piece; authentic or faux), I want to be able to tell people exactly what it is they would be buying. This is moreso a matter of general reference than it is a factor of purchase.
I realize I may seem picky (sorry
), but I like to know everything about what I've got my hands on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
like 99% chance its a maricultured piece. chance it will brown out and never get its color back. also a chance it could do good.
just an fyi, you could get the same size piece of the real deal superman for a similar price.
However this too is a concern of mine... If my $120 were to 'brown out', I think I would cry (After all, I'm a broke college student


Active Member
Originally Posted by GRabbitt
However this too is a concern of mine... If my $120 were to 'brown out', I think I would cry (After all, I'm a broke college student
Just an FYI, there is a big coral swap going on up here in the Chicagoland area that CMAS is putting on this weekend and I can almost gaurantee you that you can pick up a real superman for under $50. Send me a PM if you want the details.


Active Member
So, as of now, my plan is to check out this frag swap that Jmick had mentioned to try and get a nice piece of superman monti (and some other stuff). However, I think I'm also going to pick up the piece from the LFS, in case I don't find something I absolutely love since my reserve only lasts until Friday afternoon, at which point it will be bought immediately by the next person down the list.
However, should I find something to replace the piece I am buying from the LFS, would anyone be interested in buying it off me? I will sell it for exactly what I bought it and you can pay for the shipping of your choice.
I can get pics of the piece tomorrow, if anyone is on the edge. Let me know if this sounds good...


Active Member
I wouldn't worry about missing out, there is always something amazing to buy and if you are patient you can find it at a killer deal and I can almost guarantee you will if you go the swap, I've seen pics of what people are bringing as well as local shops and the SPS selection is going to be killer!


Active Member
I still need to figure out if I can make time to go. I'm hoping I can, but it's not looking promising right now...
Here are some pics of the superman. What do you think?
And yes, there is a ridiculous amount of aiptasia behind the frag



Active Member
Looks nice, but it's not a superman. The superman has red polyps.
Also, those are majano anemones not aiptasia. :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Looks nice, but it's not a superman. The superman has red polyps.
Also, those are majano anemones not aiptasia. :)
Oh? That would explain why it has green polyps, but if its still got a bright red and blue surface, then what could it be? Just a type of maricultured sps?
And I didn't know about the majano's... I'm assuming they're pests as well, correct?
They're actively taking over that tank..


Active Member
In all likelyhood it will develope orange/yellow polyps on the growing edges, in which case you could just call it a rainbow. I've found the blue base on these often brown out though.
Yes majanos are also pests.
Here's a pic of one of my original superman colonies.


Active Member
A rainbow effect sounds like it could be pretty cool. However, as I had mentioned before, I would be pretty upset if it were to brown out. I'm really not sure if I'm going to end up buying it anymore

That's a very nice piece you have there, by the way.

don lino

GRabbit, it kinda looks like a Poker start monti... Can u get some better pix?? Maybe u can bring the monti as close to the glass and get some macro shots of it.
It definately is not a Superman..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Don Lino
GRabbit, it kinda looks like a Poker start monti... Can u get some better pix?? Maybe u can bring the monti as close to the glass and get some macro shots of it.
It definately is not a Superman..
The owner said that it was marked as either a superman or a poker star, but I recognized the colors as a superman (however, my knowledge on corals like this limited, if at all existent
The store is closed now, and I would love to be able to get some macro shots, however my camera sucks (I may or may not have dropped it a few times), and my zoom is completely useless.
Does anyone have any other pics of a pokerstar so I could see a comparison?
If not, I'm sure google will hook me up..


Active Member
The real pokerstar looks similar to what you pictured, but the colors are much brighter. The pokerstar also has 100% green polyps with no orange or yellows like the maricultured ones do but people always call them pokerstars anyways.


another thing your apitisa anemones arent apistia anemones but manjanoe anemones. same difference but not as bad as apistia anemones as far as how fast they reproduce.


Active Member
Keep in mind, though, I am not using an amazing camera (nor lense) like a lot of people on this forum do. Mine has no zoom (not any more, that is
) and a lot of miles on it (ie frequently abused). The colors really are very nice on it when you look at it in person. The polyps are all green from what I saw, as well.
And MichaelTX, I appreciate the correction. Lol, I feel sorry for the people who embarrass easily upon being corrected. Personally, I would rather have something noted to me once than sounding stupid twice
. Viper_930 was already kind enough to point that mistake out for me

And fortunately, that is not my tank the majanos are taking over, it is a tank at my LFS.


Active Member
its just a maricultured monti. if your plans are to frag it in the future, dont plan on bringing in much money. LFS everywhere are getting these things in like crazy. i have no clue why they are charging such high prices. im guessing its just to try and get people who have heard about a "superman montipora" and know its sorta hard to find, so they think this is the same thing. which its really not.

don lino

GRabbitt, when taking pictures with a digital camera that has auto focus u dont want to use the zoom feature at all... It just makes the picture blurry.


Active Member
Yeah, I don't bother trying to hold it and take a steady zoom shot. I usually put it on a table or a stable surface since I'm too cheap to buy a tripod

Originally Posted by Don Lino
GRabbitt, when taking pictures with a digital camera that has auto focus u dont want to use the zoom feature at all... It just makes the picture blurry.