

New Member
Hey everyone. With all the different reef supplements I am wondering which ones everyone is using and there regimen for them. I see so many amazing tanks on here and just wonder what and how much they are adding as far as supplements go. Thank you.

bang guy

I supplement with water changes, limewater, and fish food. I have discovered that Opossums are not a good supplement.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I supplement with water changes, limewater, and fish food. I have discovered that Opossums are not a good supplement.
That about sums it up. Water changes done in a routine manner will add all of the trace elements you need. As Bang said, limewater is the cheapest, most effective way of balancing calcium and alkalinity.
If you have some extra dough you could invest in a calcium reactor. The whole setup for a 55 gallon tank cost me about $300-400