Surgery Sucks!


I had surgery on my nose today and boy does it suck. It feels like someone hit me in the nose with a sledge hammer. What kinds of surgery has everyone else had?


I had jaw surgery this past fall. It was a piece of cake. During the surgery they expose a large nerve thus causing me to be numb for several weeks. That allowed me to be almost pain free.
I'd like to get surgery on my carpal tunnel, but I doubt that would be pain free.


Active Member
i havent had any real surgeory. but they say if my shoulder doesnt heal right i may need something for it. i recently dislocated it.



Originally posted by KittyKitty
i have never had surgery. I am deathly afraid of someone sticking me with a knife and cutting me open!

Me too. Never broke a bone, had a surgery, or been to the hospital for anything serious since I was wee little.
I did ended my future NFL career in 8th grade when a fat kid jumped on my knee while I tackled the QB. Hyper-extened, spent about 5 months on crutches and in rehab, but no surgery.
Kind of glad, I hate football.
Actually, I don't even like going to the doctors.


omg.. you poor thing..are youre eyes black??
I had endoscopy once..where they run a camera down your throat to see your digestive system. They give you a drug to cause amnesia so you dont remember..cuz you have to be halfway/somewhat awake in order to swollow that tube. I had it in my head that the tube would be like a...well, about the size of like air hose you would use in an aquarium or sumthin like that.. was garden hose size. or bigger, seemed like!
I woke all the up about half way thru the procedure. scared me to death, I started freakin they put me back under.
The amnesia drug didnt work totally for me, because I do remember some of what happened in there..
Then another time I had to have pins put in my finger cuz I broke it off! I still lived at home with my parents then. My mom was sick with the flu about the same she couldnt "take care" of me. My dad made me pop tarts and chocolate milk for breakfast the first morning and left for work...I was too sorry to get outta bed cuz it hurt so bad, that I overdosed my self on pain meds later that day..cuz I didnt get up and eat anything.
wasnt very smart!
I did NOT like that at all.


Active Member
I had a c-section to deliver my twins, they were both breech (head up) so there was no other option for me. I was awake the whole time, I could feel them cut me, no pain you just felt like someone was unzipping you. The wierdest thing was when they were cauterizing the inscision it made my nerves spasm and I could feel it all the way to my chest very freaky. The pulled my beautiful babies out feet first, one minute apart and then sewed me up, uterus, muscles, then skin, stapled me shut and I was off and running! (after a couple weeks anyway). It really wasn't a big deal for me, I was nervous but after 4months of bedrest you could have pulled those kids out of my nose and I wouldn't have cared.


Yea under my eyes were black and the top of my nose. The doctor thinned and straightened the cartalige(sp?) running between my nostrils and then he thinned out something on the sides of my nostrils. Hurts like hell but at least I going to be able to breath through my nose again.


broke leg in nine places compound fracture bone was sticking out got a 1/2 steel rod down my shine and two screws going across holding it in motorcycles got to love um p.s took 3months to walk again and just starting riding again


i've never minded surgury but, then again, i've never had anything major. but from my experience it's always been way cool. think of the positives folks!
a. you get to get knocked out by powerful drugs that instantaneously put you in a coma
b. you wake up like nothing happend.
c. nurses are there to pamper you so you can always flirt with them or feel sorry for yourself, yet still expect somewhat positive feedback from them
d. potential for morphine. i've never had it but it sure sounds cool. same with laughing gas.
e. prescription for other cool aftermath drugs like vicatin, codene, oxycotin (or whatever that crap was that got jack osborne all spun), and maybe even a license to legally grow marajuana!!
f. you may get a cool videotape of the proceedure. combine that with some sepultura chaos a.d. for the backround music and you've got one ass-kickin vid!
g. if yer sent home with a cast or any type of bandaging then girls will FLOCK to you with immediate pampering at the strip club. i remember when my buddy broke his wrist and got Grade A treatment from em a few years ago.
h. paid sick leave + time off from work. and you just lay back on yer hospital bed, stoned, sip orange juice, and watch tv.
i. if yer surgery results in temporary facial mutilation then you can pretend that yer a monster and scare all the neighborhood kids.
now THOSE are some benefits. so i get paid to get drugged up, go to sleep, flirt, relax, do more drugs, have strippers worship me, and have my own pot garden?? SIGN ME UP!!


I just found out today that I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled within the next 2 months. I'm definitely not looking forward to this....


you'll have a BLAST!!
first have em dose you up on laughing gas. then get em to knock you out while they do the work. you'll wake up feeling all stoned and silly. THEN you'll get double doses of vikey's from the pharmacist for the next week! these

will be size of yer fist so just gobble em like they got fred flinstone on the cover of the bottle.
THEN you call up yer ortho dude. tell him yer still in pain. have him write another prescription for stronger

. get high for the next week. go refill the prescription and sell the mega vikeys at $5 a pop.
cmon now! yer being spoon fed an AWESOME journey!!!


Active Member
If they are being pulled and not cut out, it won't be any problem and they will tell you to take xtra strg. tylenol and send you home with a syringe to irrigate. (and do that religiously :yes: )
If any are impacted that require more work, it depends on how they will knock you out. Plus, they will only send you home with a mild pain killer and the syringe.
Good luck :)


Well, they haven't come to the surface yet... but my dentist said that it is much less painful and a much more simple procedure if they get pulled before they come through the gums.
And I AM looking forward to the vicodin... :D


Active Member
i had all 4 of my pulled at the same time the knocked me out. i woke up feeling like a million bucks. it didnt even bother me the gave me a perscription for codine i didnt even need them it didnt even bother me.


Active Member
Ok, well, you will still be fine. As long as they aren't impacted (stuck in the bone, but he said they were almost to the surface)
They will make a little cut on top and then extract each tooth. I know it sounds terrrible, but its not too bad. Just REALLY follow the instructions afterwards. It will help them heal and avoid infection and dry sockets. Get it done now so you don't have 2 months to think about it. :yes:


had all 4 of mine done when i was in the marines done by a navy doctor and they healed up within a week or so. Point being the miltary doesn't have the best doctors or treat you very well since you ain't paying


New Member
"get high for the next week. go refill the prescription and sell the mega vikeys at $5 a pop.
cmon now! yer being spoon fed an AWESOME journey!!!"
livin the high life Purity huh ??:yes: