SWF doesn't want my money?

Hello All,
Last night I attempted to place my first order here at SWF, but I ran into a wall. I didn't get any farther then filling in my address, all went well except "Alaska" is not in the drop down menu of the sign up page. I read the information on the order status page, and it states that they do deliver to Alaska, however its going to be rather difficult if I am unable to put my state down. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ladylostinsalt
Hello All,
Last night I attempted to place my first order here at SWF, but I ran into a wall. I didn't get any farther then filling in my address, all went well except "Alaska" is not in the drop down menu of the sign up page. I read the information on the order status page, and it states that they do deliver to Alaska, however its going to be rather difficult if I am unable to put my state down. Any suggestions?
I will copy this and send it to Admin. Hopefully they can get a look into it for ya. Barry


On their Contact page, about half way down they state:
Saltwaterfish.com only ships within the continental U.S.
I assume that means no Alaska or Hawaii? It might be that FedEx can't guarantee overnight delivery to you way "up there"
I copied over what I found in that same
contact area, so now I'm really confused? Whats new right? lol I do know that ususally it is 2 day air, we get nothing over night unless Delta Dash is used. In this particular order however I am not ordering any live stock, just stuff like refractometer etc.
Saltwaterfish.com ships year around at all temperature ranges. Destination temperatures for each individual package are determined daily and Cool Packs or Heat Packs are included for free when necessary. Saltwaterfish.com has been shipping with FedEx during all temperature ranges since 1999, including to Alaska in the dead of Winter and Arizona during the dog-days of Summer. The Saltwaterfish.com 15-Day Guarantee is valid for all temperatures, because we are confident that outside temperature should not affect the items in your order.


Saltwaterfish.com only ships within the continental U.S.
copied and pasted right from the contact place. Look under the paragraph about aclimation and above the aquarium supplies section. It's near the bottom.
Well that really sucks, pardon my french! I guess I'll just be stuck spending the money locally then! I've been in Alaska for over 20 years, and thought we had made some progress with such things, one more time, I guess I was wrong!!!!


Originally Posted by ladylostinsalt
Saltwaterfish.com has been shipping with FedEx during all temperature ranges since 1999, including to Alaska in the dead of Winter and Arizona during the dog-days of Summer.
LOL... That's weird. I'm sure if you email them they will be happy to ship non-live stuff to you.


Originally Posted by ladylostinsalt
Well that really sucks, pardon my french! I guess I'll just be stuck spending the money locally then! I've been in Alaska for over 20 years, and thought we had made some progress with such things, one more time, I guess I was wrong!!!!
Yeah, but it is a beautiful State. My brother used to live on Kodiak Island. Unfortunately I never got to visit him there, but the pictures he sent back were awesome!
I'll give it a shot! What can it hurt right? LOL, I have never felt like such an Alien before, I just checked.....and nope, I don't have 2 heads and 3 eyes, or scales!!!!
Pictures just don't do it justice. I've been to Hawaii a couple of times and its nice, but you just can't beat the mountains, and the sunsets here, it is breathtaking, not to mention the moose that like to visit at the worse times. Like when I need to leave for work, and there is a Bull with full rack standing between my Tahoe and me, well I guess another cup of coffee is in order since I'm not leaving until Bullwinkle leaves!LOL


Originally Posted by ladylostinsalt
Pictures just don't do it justice. I've been to Hawaii a couple of times and its nice, but you just can't beat the mountains, and the sunsets here, it is breathtaking, not to mention the moose that like to visit at the worse times. Like when I need to leave for work, and there is a Bull with full rack standing between my Tahoe and me, well I guess another cup of coffee is in order since I'm not leaving until Bullwinkle leaves!LOL
What part of Alaska are you in? I am in Juneau and can usually get whatever you need if this store won't ship to you. I am sure that if they won't ship, they won't mind me offering to... (I own a pet store, not a fish store, but have access to all the fish supplies).


Active Member
Originally Posted by ladylostinsalt
Pictures just don't do it justice. I've been to Hawaii a couple of times and its nice, but you just can't beat the mountains, and the sunsets here, it is breathtaking, not to mention the moose that like to visit at the worse times. Like when I need to leave for work, and there is a Bull with full rack standing between my Tahoe and me, well I guess another cup of coffee is in order since I'm not leaving until Bullwinkle leaves!LOL

You guys are so lucky. I REALLLLLLY want to visit Alaska.
Wow! I'm in Anchorage. I just emailed them to see what they might be able to do as suggested. We have quite a few LFS in town, one of the things I was wanting to do was show some loyalty to the folks here, because they have been such a wealth of information and help to me during these initial days of pre-starting my tankl Dayna, thanks so much for the offer, I may end up taking you up on it, if I run into any more problems. Thanks again.


Originally Posted by ladylostinsalt
I copied over what I found in that same
contact area, so now I'm really confused? Whats new right? lol I do know that ususally it is 2 day air, we get nothing over night unless Delta Dash is used. In this particular order however I am not ordering any live stock, just stuff like refractometer etc.
Saltwaterfish.com ships year around at all temperature ranges. Destination temperatures for each individual package are determined daily and Cool Packs or Heat Packs are included for free when necessary. Saltwaterfish.com has been shipping with FedEx during all temperature ranges since 1999, including to Alaska in the dead of Winter and Arizona during the dog-days of Summer. The Saltwaterfish.com 15-Day Guarantee is valid for all temperatures, because we are confident that outside temperature should not affect the items in your order.
Interesting...wonder if they used to ship to alaska and then had issues and stopped. Would be crappy to claim that and then not ship to Alaska. Wonder how long ago the continental US only part appeared. Have they always used Fedex anyone?


Originally Posted by ladylostinsalt
I'll give it a shot! What can it hurt right? LOL, I have never felt like such an Alien before, I just checked.....and nope, I don't have 2 heads and 3 eyes, or scales!!!!
Bribe them with some fresh king crab legs
Originally Posted by eaglewonj
Interesting...wonder if they used to ship to alaska and then had issues and stopped. Would be crappy to claim that and then not ship to Alaska. Wonder how long ago the continental US only part appeared. Have they always used Fedex anyone?
I don't know since I'm so new here (to this forum), I know that when we used to ship fresh halibut and salmon home to family members we would use Delta Dash, and it was 12 hours delivery in either direction?????


Originally Posted by eaglewonj
Wonder how long ago the continental US only part appeared. Have they always used Fedex anyone?
Since north america is one large continent, then quite frankly we are part of the continental US. LOL
Use that agrument. They need to say contiguous 48 states. :)