SWF doesn't want my money?


Active Member
Lady, off subject
What part of Ak are you in? I spent 5 years in Ahchorage and loved it. Part of living in AK is getting used to the pain of having everything shipped, same as Hawaii (bailed out of Ak and we moved to Hawaii to thaw out, LOL). I worked for the AK Native Medical Hospital, I've been to just about every village in AK. "Elbow Room in Dutch Harbor" what a dive! LOL.
I really like this site, but the heavy moderation kinda limits a lot of incredible information sharing, good luck to you and just google enough and you'll find what your looking for along with sites that will ship to you without any hassle.
Originally Posted by maxalmon
Lady, off subject
What part of Ak are you in? I spent 5 years in Ahchorage and loved it. Part of living in AK is getting used to the pain of having everything shipped, same as Hawaii (bailed out of Ak and we moved to Hawaii to thaw out, LOL). I worked for the AK Native Medical Hospital, I've been to just about every village in AK. "Elbow Room in Dutch Harbor" what a dive! LOL.
I really like this site, but the heavy moderation kinda limits a lot of incredible information sharing, good luck to you and just google enough and you'll find what your looking for along with sites that will ship to you without any hassle.
I'm in Anchorage too! I've been here for almost 21 years, and can't think of living anywhere else. How long ago did you live here? Did you know that they tore down the old Native Hospital, and built a great big beautiful new one! So much for landmarks! Thanks for the support, I'm hoping that once they get their issues fixed with the forum maybe someone will add Alaska, and I'll be able to order after all!
Originally Posted by hot883
I will copy this and send it to Admin. Hopefully they can get a look into it for ya. Barry
Hello Again,
I hate to bother you Hot883 (Barry), but I was just wondering if you have heard anything back from admin on this?I have sent them an email, and haven't gotten a response. I have found a different site that has comparable prices and are willing to ship to Alaska but I so would rather spend my money here. I'm big on this whole loyalty thing.LOL. I get my income tax tomorrow, and anything I don't already have I need to order or go buy....the time has come! I thought I throw this one last request out there! :help:


Active Member
Definately want your business to stay here. I have not heard anything from Admin. and am told it is because all of the horrible weather out that way. You have to do what you have to do, but we wish you would wait it out and keep your business here. Barry
Originally Posted by hot883
Definately want your business to stay here. I have not heard anything from Admin. and am told it is because all of the horrible weather out that way. You have to do what you have to do, but we wish you would wait it out and keep your business here. Barry
Horrible weather here???? Its been beautiful, sunny, snow is melting. We haven't had any drastic cold weather or snow in 3 weeks. LOL, that would be the mid west and New York that is getting the bad weather. Or were you referring to bad weather that admin is getting? LOL Thanks for responding, and thanks for your time!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ladylostinsalt
Horrible weather here???? Its been beautiful, sunny, snow is melting. We haven't had any drastic cold weather or snow in 3 weeks. LOL, that would be the mid west and New York that is getting the bad weather. Or were you referring to bad weather that admin is getting? LOL Thanks for responding, and thanks for your time!
The weather is playing havoc with shipping. I ordered Friday, shipping went out Monday. Got it Late yesterday... Thy emailed me to let me know package was delayed by the weather....
Anyway, I'm sure they are backed up with filling replacement orders.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ladylostinsalt
I hate to say it but King Crab is probably more expensive here then in some places in the lower 48, I don't know why but it is. Not to mention Gas still isn't as low as it is in some of the lower states either. I thnk we're still hanging out at around 1.25 gal.

1.25 ?
i filled up in lawn guyland last nite and it was 2.57
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The weather is playing havoc with shipping. I ordered Friday, shipping went out Monday. Got it Late yesterday... Thy emailed me to let me know package was delayed by the weather....
Anyway, I'm sure they are backed up with filling replacement orders.
Well I just tried again just for the heck of it, and they still haven't added Alaska to the drop down menu.Oh woe is me. I'm sure they're very busy, but I am truly running out of time. BTW, I spoke too soon last night, our weather that has been almost spring-like changed this morning, and now its been snowing since the wee hours, the roads are so bad, the cops are even crashing their vehicles. Of course, they've been known to do that even on dry roads around here!
Happy with the snow, sad with living in a place that is apparently not on the map..lol

37g joe

Originally Posted by extremepcs
On their Contact page, about half way down they state:
Saltwaterfish.com only ships within the continental U.S.
I assume that means no Alaska or Hawaii? It might be that FedEx can't guarantee overnight delivery to you way "up there"

The legal definition of Continential U.S. includes alaska
I am in kodiak and hoping that swf will also ship to me
Hi there, it was months ago that I tried unsuccessfully to order from SWF. But the bottom line was they would not ship to Alaska. I'm in Anchorage, and it just wasn't going to work for me. I finally had to go somewhere else, it might have been impatience on my part, but there were some items that I needed and couldn't wait for. The people on this forum are wonderful, and the prices are great. I was very dissappointed when I had to go elsewhere. At any rate perhaps now that it is summer and its not cold anymore maybe they'll ship. I wasn't even trying to order anything that was alive??? Best of luck!