Swine Flu Vaccine---yes or no?

deon nyc

no no no.. i would not get it or my son becasue this is the first shot they came up with within less of a year, they did not do full testing to see the long trem effects of it. we are all the test subjects. but i am getting my regular flu shot later this month.


Active Member
Yeah but the shot vaccine is developed the same way. If I was an at risk person or tended to get the flu I wouldn't hesitate to get the shot.


New Member
It's a decision everyone has to make on their own. The issue may seem over blown to some. But people really have and still are dying from it. It's not over blown to them and their family members.
As an expecting mother, even without getting it, you can do all the things we all know reduce the risk of being infected. And don't hesitate to stay far far away from anyone and everyone who shows any signs of being sick. You're not being rude, you're protecting your baby. Your children aren't in school, so your being proactive can go a long long way toward keeping them from catching it.
With that said, after I had the baby, I would probably get it to reduce the chances even more of giving it to my baby. Whatever the unknown long term risks, I'm willing to deal with them myself if it means protecting a baby. I've never had a flu shot, but will be getting this because there are newborns in the family. I would feel horrible if I unknowingly passed it to them. Just my opinion.


Active Member
Hey Reef, I am going to inject a deadly carcinogen in yours and your child's veins. And to make it even healthier, I am going to add some deadly heavy metals to make it a real nice stew. Formaldehyde and mercury are used as the agent to carry the virus in. Next time you're at a hospital, look where they keep the medicines, the door will have a poison control warning not to touch or breath formaldehyde, yet they shoot it straight into your and your child's veins with every vaccine, and you want to talk about child abuse?


Active Member
Yeah, over the top and down the other side. But I am just as passionate that forcing bad things on children is worse than the risk of a kid getting sick. I had most of the "really bad" diseases and came out quite well, with no hospitalization.


Active Member
Thankfully public opinion isn't on the same page as yours. I consider myself very conservative. I fight the docs when they try to put kids on antibiotics for no clinical reason. But I wouldn't want to step back into the dark ages of pre-vaccinations.
I'm not talking about any of the flu shots by the way... just your standards.
My cousin had polio, it's not so nice for those that don't get to do "down the other side".


Active Member
The dean of oncology at the University of Indiana is against vaccinating with formaldehyde and mercury. All medical studies and textbooks warn about exposure to them, but I am in the dark ages? Now who's going over the hedge? BTW, I never said I was aginst vaccines, just the poison the pharmaceutical companies use with them-BIG difference.


Active Member
There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunisation of children does more harm than good."
Dr J Anthony Morris, former Chief Vaccine Control Officer, US Food and Drug Administration
"The greatest threat of childhood disease lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunisation."Dr R. Mendelsohn, Author and Professor of Paediatrics (How To Raise A Healthy Child In Spite Of Your Doctor)
In our opinion, there is now sufficient evidence of immune malfunction following current vaccination programmes to anticipate growing public demands for research investigation into alternative methods of prevention of infectious disease."
Dr's H. Buttram and J. Hoffman (Vaccinations and Immune Malfunctions)
"All vaccination has the effect of directing the three values of the blood into or toward the zone characteristics of cancer and leukemia...Vaccines DO predispose to cancer and leukaemia."Professor L.C. Vincent, Founder of Bioelectronics


Active Member
"Official data have shown that the large-scale vaccinations undertaken in the US have failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed to provide protection." Dr A. Sabin, developer of the Oral Polio vaccine (lecture to Italian doctors in Piacenza, Italy, Decemebr 7th 1985)
"Laying aside the very real possibility that the various vaccines are contaminated with animal viruses and may cause serious illness later in life (multiple sclerosis, cancer, leukaemia, etc) we must consider whether the vaccines really work for their intended purpose." Dr W.C. Douglas (Cutting Edge, May 1990)
"The only wholly safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used"
Dr James A. Shannon, National Institute of Health, USA


Staff member
Give up your diet drinks and sugar substitute then.
A byproduct of aspartame (the sweetener used in all diet drinks and marketed as NutraSweet and Equal) produces formaldehyde as a byproduct.


Active Member
As does healthy kidney function. A question was asked in the OP and I was just giving another medically supported point of view. I'll just head on to the soft coral page.


Active Member
We live in a cancer-causing world. How come you're not holding a picket sign in front of the deli market? The nitrates in some of those processed meats have been linked to cancer... but we still feed our kids hotdogs. Have you gone 100% organic? If not, alot of those canned, frozen, preserved foods are being looked at. Cell phones. Ya got one? They are looking into those too. Etc, so on and so forth.


the hospital i work for gives us the shots free, but in order to get the swine vaccine we have to get the regular flu vaccine first. we usualy have a family night, which was scheduled for last week but was cancelled, where anyone who lives with you can get their shot for $15. they cancelled it because the hospital didn't have enough to do that. apparently employees used up most of what they ordered, 3x more employees got the shot than last year.


Active Member
Incidental contact or ingestion of tiny amounts is normal. To inject large amounts is insane. Look, if your kids are immunized then they should have no worries from catching something from mine. That is the point of immunization, right?


New Member
Also, the plastics that our food comes in. Any thing with teflon. treated paper food wrapers, carpet treatment, pizza boxes, microwave popcorn, weather resistant clothing.... and on and on. Many things have been implicated in cancer and other health problems. Good luck sorting it all out when you don't know the details. And good luck sorting out which vaccines to take when you don't really know the science behind it. Science and medicine is changing dramatically, be careful basing life decisions on 10 to 20 year old quotes from a few people.