Swine Flu Vaccine---yes or no?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mantisman51
Hey Reef, I am going to inject a deadly carcinogen in yours and your child's veins. And to make it even healthier, I am going to add some deadly heavy metals to make it a real nice stew. Formaldehyde and mercury are used as the agent to carry the virus in. Next time you're at a hospital, look where they keep the medicines, the door will have a poison control warning not to touch or breath formaldehyde, yet they shoot it straight into your and your child's veins with every vaccine, and you want to talk about child abuse?
According to some frying a hamburger patty will make it a carcinogen. As far as these vaccines I will take the word of doctors who no stake in who gets the vaccine who themselves get them as well as have their children get them.


I guess this goes into the category of be careful what you ask for.
I'm now even more terrified than I was before!
....does the flu vaccines contain mercury? Or are you referring to other vaccines?
I guess I should step up and admit that I didn't vaccinate my 2 year old with the MMR or the chicken pox vaccines. He got every other scheduled vaccine, but those 2 made me extremely nervous for different reasons. We also live a very organic lifestyle. Yes, I'm one of "those" moms.
if your reading this, what are you and your wife doing?
Has your doctor made any recommendations?


Active Member
Well, the intent was not to frighten. I believe in vaccinations. I just have never found a good reason why they put mercury and formaldehyde in shots. My nurse, sister-in-law, said it is because they act as a preservative and stabilizer. In the old days, they would have 2 separate vials-1 vaccine, 1 saline-then mix and shoot. I would go for that, as the benefits outweigh the risks. I am just more afraid of doctors, blindly taking the word of pharmaceutical companies.


I think it's important to mention that you can get most if not all vax's without mercury. Most offices will make you pay for that out of pocket because insurance does not have to cover it. I know for my children we do mercury free and single vax's spread out. I want my children to be protected but at the same time I do not want to be putting their bodies into shock. Look at the MMR shot. 3 shots all in one dose. You go home your child gets sick has a fever may even experience seizures and those are all normal side effects. Autism and other health related issues are such a hot topic regarding vax's that the government will actually pay for your child's health care for the rest of their life if they have an adverse reaction (like autism) to vax's


Active Member
Mercury is actually in a few injectables unrealted to vaccines. Sometimes you don't even know. It's a "common" preservative and the parents/patients are not necessarily informed.


Active Member

Originally Posted by nina&noah
if your reading this, what are you and your wife doing?
Has your doctor made any recommendations?
Just saw this thread. My wife and I talked a lot about this subject. We have a number of friends that are pregnant right now as well and sat and talked with them as well as my wife's OB. She got the regular flu shot just like she does every year but is not getting the swine flu shot. Its just too new and in my opinion was rushed to market. Most of our pregnant friends feel the same way and even the OB pretty much said that you can't argue with that logic. For myself, I've never even gotten the regular flu shot and I dont plan on starting now.


Active Member
from what ihear everyone that is getting the pig flue vac. if you are healthy you get the spray if you have any ailments you get the shot.
my wife is still sick this morning from the spray a week ago.
she cant talk or hardly breath.
i think the dems are going to make a manditory flu shot containing a brain washing solution then obama will go on tv and spread his ideas


Well-Known Member

Originally Posted by DragonZim
Just saw this thread. My wife and I talked a lot about this subject. We have a number of friends that are pregnant right now as well and sat and talked with them as well as my wife's OB. She got the regular flu shot just like she does every year but is not getting the swine flu shot. Its just too new
and in my opinion was rushed to market. Most of our pregnant friends feel the same way and even the OB pretty much said that you can't argue with that logic. For myself, I've never even gotten the regular flu shot and I dont plan on starting now.
This argument that the H1N1 vaccine is just "too new" makes me laugh! Every seasonal flu vaccine is reinvented every year to account for the new strains that have evolved, and the H1N1 has been subjected to at least the same level of testing as the seasonal vaccines.


Active Member
The way I look at it is if you had a flu shot before you have nothing to worry about getting one now. If you've always been against them that's your choice. I don't take them because I am a particularly healthy person. I also avoid pain killers and antibiotics as much as possible. I figure if your system is good at fighting off infections and viruses don't mess with it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
This argument that the H1N1 vaccine is just "too new" makes me laugh! Every seasonal flu vaccine is reinvented every year to account for the new strains that have evolved, and the H1N1 has been subjected to at least the same level of testing as the seasonal vaccines.
Why hasnt that little tidbit of information been in any of the articles about it? I just dont like the way that the swine flu vaccine is being pushed down peoples throats like this whole mandating that all healthcare workers get vaccinated thing..