Originally Posted by unleashed
Temp- 81.4
SG- 1.027 sg too high bring it down to 1.024
PH- 8.0 ph too low.bring it up to 8.3
NH3- 0ppm
NO2- 0ppm
NO3- 20ppm too high bring it down to as close to 0 as poss
KH- 130 mg/L
2.6 mEq/L
CA- 580ppm cal way to high levels should be in ranges 350-450
PO4- 0.5ppm
the things i have noted are all very good reasons for it not to be doing well
Temp-81.4 is well within the range of a clam
Sg- 1.027 is fine, NSW has an Sg of 1.026, in the Red sea where clams are prolific the Sg can go over 1.030
Ph-8.0 is fine. any where between 8.0 and 8.4 is ideal. the key stability(no fast adjustments)
NO3-20ppm, this form of nitrogen is not toxic at these levels. it is higher then you would want to keep a reef tank because of its effect on the colors of corals and that it will fuel algae growth but clams house 10x the zoox(algae) per sq" then corals.this elevated level will feed the clams zoox and in turn feed the clam. does the clam need levels this high? No. Are levels this high detrimental to the clam? No. Aqua-cultured clams are feed ammonium nitrate on a dally basis.
Kh-2.6meq/l with in the range of NWS(low for you Ca levels)
Ca-580ppm, higher then NWS of about 420ppm. elevated levels of Ca(in this case 580ppm) will not have a detrimental effect on a reef tank. and if Alk and Mg are continued to be added (with out adding Ca)the Ca will fall on its own.
comparing your Ca to Alk they are not in balance. the first thing that comes to mind is that your Mg is low(you haven't listed it so i assume you don't add it or test for it)
Ca/Alk and Mg should be looked at as one thing not three. they all work together.
Po4-.5 high for a reef tank again because of it propensity to fuel algae. the zoox in clams will use PO4 also.levels above .2 in a reef tank will retard calcification (make things stop growing) but will not cause the clam to do what it is doing.
again i think the cause of this is the rapid addition of "buffers" to raise your Alk/Ph. check your Mg and SLOWLY raise it to about 1300ppm. then SLOWLY raise your Alk to about 3 meq/l.
clams need stability, any changes to the tank must be made slowly